FY 25-29 Capital Improvement Plan
FY 25-29 Capital Improvement Plan
The Mecklenburg County Board of County Commissioners approved the Fiscal Years 2025-2029 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) in June 2024. Mecklenburg County's CIP is a five-year investment plan, which effectively coordinates the addition, renovation or replacement of County-owned facilities, infrastructure, equipment, and land acquisition. The funds in the CIP are for construction and associated information technology, and do not include operating expenses or programming after the completion of the project. Park and Recreation projects to be funded include:
- Reinvestment in existing parks, nature preserves, recreation centers, and greenway trails
- Investment in new parks, nature preserves, recreation centers, and greenway trails
- New amenities across several park sites
- Improved access to existing parks, nature preserves, recreation centers, and greenway trails
Potential projects were evaluated based on existing facility condition, demand, resident input, and guiding principles from Meck Playbook, our new Comprehensive Master Plan: www.publicinput.com/MeckPlaybook
Below you will find information about current approved projects.
Visit the Park Explorer to learn more about existing parks and amenities: https://maps.mecklenburgcountync.gov/MecklenburgCountyParkExplorer/
More information about the FY 19-23 Mecklenburg County CIP: https://meckgov.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=0c9e70bdb0f24862832f9cd7496a0f04
More information about existing funded Park and Recreation CIP projects: https://parkandrec.mecknc.gov/site-menu/current-projects
Approved CIP Projects (June 2024)
Based on recommendations within Meck Playbook and input received from the public, Park and Recreation the projects below were approved for the FY 25-29 CIP which include the categories of: Parks and Nature Preserves; Greenway Trails; Facilities; Amenities; and Connections. Projects are listed in alphabetical order per project type. Additional CIP funding is also allocated for FY 25-28 to continued land acquisition efforts at a proposed $10 Million per year pre-escalation and additional funding for wayfinding signage in FY 29.
Parks and Nature Preserves
Berryhill Nature Preserve - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
Meck Playbook Tier Two - New Nature Preserve Project (Park Investment) + Previously unfunded CIP Project
This project will activate Berryhill Nature Preserve, a new 164-acre Nature Preserve in west Charlotte. The project scope will include Master Planning and Phase 1 development of trails, parking and signage.
Bryant Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
Meck Playbook Tier One - Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment) + Previously unfunded CIP Project
This project will expand Bryant Park, an existing 15.5-acre park adjacent to the future Stewart Creek Greenway in west Charlotte. The project scope may include new active (festival lawn, skate park, playground) and passive (shelter, greenway/trails, dog park, natural areas) park amenities to be determined through community engagement.
Campbell Creek Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2029
Meck Playbook Tier One - Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment)
This project will improve and expand recreation amenities at Campbell Creek Park, an existing 20-acre park in east Charlotte. The project scope will include improving existing park amenities (playground, play meadow, horseshoe pits, trails, park shelter) and adding new park amenities to be determined through community engagement.
Derita Creek Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2029
Meck Playbook Tier One - Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment)
This project will improve and expand recreation amenities at Derita Park, an existing 23.6-acre park in northeast Charlotte. The project scope will include improving existing park amenities (basketball court, playground, picnic area, park shelter) and adding new park amenities to be determined through community engagement.
Grier Heights Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2026
Meck Playbook Tier One - Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment)
This project will improve and expand recreation amenities at Grier Heights Park, an existing 1.6-acre park adjacent to Randolph Road Park in southeast Charlotte. The project scope may include improving existing park amenities (horseshoe pits, ballfields, playground, large park shelter, basketball court) and adding new park amenities (Briar Creek Greenway via Randolph Road) to be determined through community engagement.
Julian Underwood Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2029
Meck Playbook Tier One - Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment)
This project will address erosion issues and improve and expand recreation amenities at Julian Underwood Park, an existing 13.4-acre park in east Charlotte. The project scope will include improving existing park amenities (playground, park shelter) and adding new park amenities to be determined through community engagement.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2026
Meck Playbook Tier One - Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment)
This project will improve and expand recreation amenities at Martin Luther King Jr. Park, an existing 27.3-acre park in west Charlotte. The project scope may include improving existing park amenities (multi-purpose fields, basketball court, park shelters, restroom, trails, pickleball courts, playground) and adding new park amenities to be determined through community engagement.
Oakhurst Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2027
Meck Playbook Tier One - Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment)
This project will improve and expand recreation amenities at Oakhurst Park, an existing 5-acre park in southeast Charlotte. The project scope may include improving existing park amenities (playground, basketball court, ballfield) and adding new park amenities to be determined through community engagement.
Rozzelles Ferry Nature Preserve - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
Meck Playbook Tier Two - New Nature Preserve Project (Park Investment) + Previously unfunded CIP Project
This project will activate Rozzelles Ferry/Haymarket Nature Preserve, a new 4.5+100-acre Nature Preserve on Mountain Island Lake in northwest Charlotte. The project scope may include the shoreline stabilization as well as a kayak launch, trails, parking and signage.
Springfield Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2029
Meck Playbook Tier One - Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment)
This project will improve and expand recreation amenities at Springfield Park, an existing 11.3-acre park in southwest Charlotte. The project scope will include improving existing park amenities (basketball courts) and adding new park amenities to be determined through community engagement. The project may also include a trail connection to Yorkmont Park.
Wilmore (Spruce Street) Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2027
Meck Playbook Tier One- Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment)
This project will improve and expand recreation amenities at Wilmore Park, an existing 1.4-acre park in west Charlotte. The project scope may include improving existing park amenities (playground) and adding new park amenities to be determined through community engagement.
Yorkmont Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2029
Meck Playbook Tier One - Park Renovations (Park Reinvestment)
This project will improve and expand recreation amenities at Yorkmont Park, an existing 2.8-acre park in southwest Charlotte. The project scope will include adding park new amenities to be determined through community engagement. The project may also include a trail connection to Springfield Park.
Greenway Trails
Briar Creek Greenway - Central Avenue to Monroe Road - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
FY2019-2023 CIP Project
This new segment of Briar Creek Greenway will construct approximately 1.7 miles of greenway trail from existing greenway trail at Central Avenue to Monroe Road. The project scope will include paved greenway trails, access trails, crossing structures (bridges, swale bridges, culverts), boardwalks, parking lot and trailhead.
Campbell Creek Greenway- Campbell Creek Park to Campbell Creek Greenway - Approved for Fiscal Year 2028
Meck Playbook Tier One- New Greenway Project (Greenway Investment)
This new segment of Campbell Creek Greenway will construct approximately 2.5 miles of greenway trail from Campbell Creek Park at Barcliff Drive to existing Campbell Creek Greenway at Lockmont Drive, with urban trail connections to the Eastland redevelopment area. The project scope will include paved greenway trails, access trails, crossing structures (bridges, swale bridges, culverts), boardwalks, and other related site improvements.
Four Mile Creek Greenway- Bevington Place to Johnston Road - Approved for Fiscal Year 2027
Meck Playbook Tier Two - Improved Greenway Project (Greenway Reinvestment)
This project will repair and improve paving and structures along Four Mile Creek Greenway from Bevington Place at Rea Road to Johnston Road, a greenway trail totaling approximately 1.8 miles with six access trails and one trailhead. The scope of this project may include repairs/replacement of paved greenway trail, bridges, boardwalks, wayfinding, and improvements to the parking area and restroom.
Irvins Creek Greenway- Lakeview Circle to McAlpine Creek Greenway - Approved for Fiscal Year 2028
Meck Playbook Tier One - New Greenway Project (Greenway Investment)
This new segment of Irvins Creek Greenway will add approximately 2.5 miles of greenway trail from the newly constructed greenway trail at Lakeview Circle to the existing greenway trail at McAlpine Creek Park. The project scope will include paved greenway trails, access trails, crossing structures (bridges, swale bridges, culverts), boardwalks, and other related site improvements. Notably, the trail will provide a grade-separated crossing of Independence Boulevard.
Irwin Creek Greenway- Clanton Road to Crestridge Dr - Approved for Fiscal Year 2029
Meck Playbook Tier One - New Greenway Project (Greenway Investment)
This new segment of Irwin Creek Greenway will add approximately 0.9 miles of greenway trail from Clanton Road to Crestridge Drive, while also connecting to Amay James Park at Lester Street. The project scope will include paved greenway trails, access trails, crossing structures (bridges, swale bridges, culverts), boardwalks, and other related site improvements.
Irwin Creek Greenway- Crestridge Dr to Yorkmont Rd/Sugar Creek Greenway - Approved for Fiscal Year 2029
Meck Playbook Tier One - New Greenway Project (Greenway Investment)
This new segment of Irwin Creek Greenway will add approximately 1 mile of greenway trail from Crestridge Drive to the currently funded Sugar Creek Greenway Trail at Yorkmont Road. The project scope will include paved greenway trails, access trails, crossing structures (bridges, swale bridges, culverts), boardwalks, and other related site improvements.
Mallard Creek Greenway - Mallard Creek Drive to David Taylor Drive - Approved for Fiscal Year 2027
FY2019-2023 CIP Project
This project will improve, pave, and add structures along Mallard Creek Greenway from Mallard Creek Drive to David Taylor Drive, a greenway trail totaling approximately 1.3 miles with three existing access trails and one trailhead. The scope of this project may include repairs/new paving/replacement of paved greenway trail, bridges, boardwalks, wayfinding, and improvements to the parking area.
McAlpine Creek Greenway- Johnston Road to Carmel Road - Approved for Fiscal Year 2026
Meck Playbook Tier Two - Improved Greenway Project (Greenway Reinvestment)
This project will repair and improve paving and structures along McAlpine Creek Greenway from Johnston Road to Carmel Road at McMullen Creek Greenway trail, a greenway trail totaling approximately 2 miles with six access trails and one trailhead. The scope of this project may include repairs/replacement of paved greenway trail, bridges, boardwalks, wayfinding, and improvements to the parking area and restroom.
McDowell Creek Greenway - Gilead Rd to Beatties Ford Rd - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
Meck Playbook Tier One - New Greenway Project (Greenway Investment) and Partnership Project
This new segment of McDowell Creek Greenway will add approximately 3.6 miles of greenway trail from the new trailhead parking lot on Gilead Road to Auten Nature Preserve at Beatties Ford Road. The project scope will include paved greenway trails, access trails, natural surface trails, crossing structures (bridges, swale bridges, culverts), boardwalks, and other related site improvements. This project is currently funded for design through a partnership with the Town of Huntersville.
McDowell Creek East Greenway - Catawba Ave to Westmoreland Rd - Approved for Fiscal Year 2029
Meck Playbook Tier One - Partnership Project
This new segment of McDowell Creek Greenway will add approximately 1.6 miles of greenway trail from Catawba Avenue at Smithville Park to Westmoreland Road at JV Washam Elementary. The project also includes a 0.7-mile urban trail along Westmoreland Road and a restoration project for Upper McDowell Creek. The project scope will include paved greenway trails, access trails, crossing structures (bridges, swale bridges, culverts), boardwalks, and other related site improvements. This project is currently funded for design through the Town of Cornelius.
McMullen Creek Gwy- Hwy 51 to McAlpine Creek Gwy/Carmel Rd - Approved for Fiscal Year 2026
Meck Playbook Tier One - Improved Greenway Project (Greenway Reinvestment)
This project will repair and improve paving and structures along McMullen Creek Greenway from Highway 51/Pineville-Matthews Road to McAlpine Creek Greenway at Carmel Road, a greenway trail totaling approximately 2.1 miles with five access trails and one trailhead. The scope of this project may include repairs/replacement of paved greenway trail, bridges, boardwalks, wayfinding, and improvements to the parking area.
South Prong Clarke Creek Greenway - N Church St to Asbury Chapel Rd - Approved for Fiscal Year 2026
Partnership Project
This new segment of South Prong Clarke Creek Greenway will add approximately 3 miles of greenway trail from North Church Street to Asbury Chapel Road. The project scope will include paved greenway trails, access trails, crossing structures (bridges, swale bridges, culverts), boardwalks, and other related site improvements. This project is currently funded for design through a partnership with the Town of Huntersville.
Torrence Creek Greenway - Cedar River Road to McDowell Creek Greenway - Approved for Fiscal Year 2028
Meck Playbook Tier Two - Improved Greenway Project (Greenway Reinvestment)
This project will repair and improve paving and structures along Torrence Creek Greenway from Cedar River Road to McDowell Creek Greenway at Summerfield Lane, a greenway trail totaling approximately 2.4 miles with six access trails. The scope of this project may include repairs/replacement of paved greenway trail, bridges, boardwalks, and wayfinding.
Albemarle Road Recreation Center - Approved for Fiscal Year 2027
Meck Playbook Tier One – Improved Facility Project (Facility Reinvestment)
This project will reconstruct Albemarle Road Recreation Center, an important recreation center in east Charlotte originally constructed in 1982. The project scope may include an indoor gym, multipurpose and meeting rooms, fitness rooms, locker rooms/restrooms, administrative space, outdoor swimming pool, and other site improvements.
McDowell Nature Center and Nature Preserve - Approved for Fiscal Year 2028
Meck Playbook Tier Three – Improved Facility Project (Facility Reinvestment)
This project will reconstruct and relocate McDowell Nature Center, the County's first and oldest nature center, which opened in 1985. The facility will be relocated closer to the entrance of the nature preserve, using the center as a gateway education and information center for the 1,130-acre nature preserve. The project scope will include a new nature center which will include educational exhibits, multipurpose and meeting rooms, administrative spaces, restrooms, and associated site improvements. Additional funding has been included to make improvements to McDowell Nature Preserve which may include the campground, Copperhead Island, and maintenance compound areas.
Ribbonwalk Nature Center - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
Meck Playbook Tier One – New Facility Project (Facility Investment)
This project will develop a new nature center within Ribbonwalk Nature Preserve, a 188-acre preserve in north Charlotte. The project scope will include the development of a new nature center, parking, and additional site improvements to support additional use and programming.
Tuckaseegee Recreation Center and Park - Approved for Fiscal Year 2026
Meck Playbook Tier One – Improved Facility Project (Facility Reinvestment)
This project will renovate, expand and reconstruct Tuckaseegee Recreation Center and Park, an existing 19.1-acre park in west Charlotte. The Center was originally constructed in 1974. The project scope for the Recreation Center may include an indoor gym, multipurpose and meeting rooms, fitness rooms, locker rooms/restrooms, administrative space, outdoor swimming pool, and other site improvements. The project scope for the park will include improving existing park amenities (shelters, ballfields, soccer field, tennis courts, basketball court, playground, trails) and new park amenities to be determined through community engagement.
Dog Parks - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
Meck Playbook Tier One Park Amenity
This funding will be used to develop new dog parks at the following existing parks: North Charlotte Park, McKee Road Park. This funding will be used to redevelop/improve existing dog parks at the following existing parks: W.R. Davie Park, Renaissance Park. Funding will also be used to improve or add necessary support facilities (utilities, site furnishings, and site circulation).
Pickleball - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
Meck Playbook Tier One Park Amenity
This funding will be used to develop new pickleball courts at the following existing parks:
- Colonel Francis Beatty Park
- Elon Park
- Nevin Park
- Robert L. Smith Park
This funding will also be used to redevelop existing tennis courts into pickleball courts at the following existing parks:
- Collins Park
- Mason Wallace Park
- Sugaw Creek Park
- Unity Park
Funding will also be used to improve or add necessary support facilities (restrooms, site furnishings, shelters, site circulation, and/or parking).
Skate Parks - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
Meck Playbook Tier Three Park Amenity
This funding will be used to develop new skate parks at the following existing parks: Nevin Park, Shuffletown Park, Kilborne Park, and Idlewild Park. This funding will also be used to expand the existing skate park at Renaissance Park. Funding will also be used to improve or add necessary support facilities (site furnishings, site circulation, and/or parking).
Spraygrounds - Approved for Fiscal Year 2025
Meck Playbook Tier One Park Amenity
This funding will be used to develop new spraygrounds at the following existing parks: Sugaw Creek Park, Clanton Park, Winget Park, and Shuffletown Park. Funding will also be used to improve or add necessary support facilities (restrooms, site furnishings, pump rooms, site circulation, and/or parking).
Park Access Improvement - Approved for Fiscal Year 2026
This funding will be used to develop new and accessible bicycle/pedestrian points of access to existing park and recreation facilities. Improved access is proposed at the following existing facilities:
- Colonel Francis Beatty Park
- Four Mile Creek Greenway
- Idlewild Park
- Kilborne Park
- Little Sugar Creek Greenway
- McDowell Creek Greenway
- Nevin Park
- Renaissance Park
- Westerly Hills Park
- Winterfield Park
- Matching funds for a bicycle/pedestrian accommodations on the Wilkinson Boulevard/Highway 74 bridge replacement over the Catawba River.
Public Input (Summer/Fall 2022):
Also, thank you for joining us at our public meetings!
Friday June 24th 9:00am - 5:00pm at Northern Regional Recreation Center
18121 Old Statesville Rd, Cornelius, NC 28031
Thursday July 7th 9:00am - 5:00pm at President James K. Polk State Historic Site
12031 Lancaster Hwy, Pineville, NC 28134
Thursday July 28th 10:30am - 6:30pm at Eastway Regional Recreation Center
3150 Eastway Park Drive, Charlotte, NC 28213
Thursday August 11th 10:30am - 6:30pm at Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center
2921 Tuckaseegee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28208
Park Amenities:
Improved Access to Parks and Trails:
Prioritize Investment Types:
Capital Improvement Plan Upcoming Projects Meeting: South Region
Join MCPR staff at one of three drop-in public meetings to discuss upcoming projects to add new parks, greenway trails, nature preserves, facilities, amenities, and connections.
1. Central Region
Oct. 22, 2024: 5-7:30pm
Tuckaseegee Recreation Center
4820 Tuckaseegee Rd
Charlotte, NC 28208
2. North Region
Oct. 24, 2024: 5-7:30pm
Quest at Latta Nature Preserve
6345 Sample Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078
3. South Region
Oct. 29, 2024: 5-7:30pm
William R. Davie Indoor Pavilion
4635 Pineville-Matthews Rd
Charlotte, NC 28226
Capital Improvement Plan Upcoming Projects Meeting: North Region
Join MCPR staff at one of three drop-in public meetings to discuss upcoming projects to add new parks, greenway trails, nature preserves, facilities, amenities, and connections.
1. Central Region
Oct. 22, 2024: 5-7:30pm
Tuckaseegee Recreation Center
4820 Tuckaseegee Rd
Charlotte, NC 28208
2. North Region
Oct. 24, 2024: 5-7:30pm
Quest at Latta Nature Preserve
6345 Sample Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078
3. South Region
Oct. 29, 2024: 5-7:30pm
William R. Davie Indoor Pavilion
4635 Pineville-Matthews Rd
Charlotte, NC 28226
Capital Improvement Plan Upcoming Projects Meeting: Central Region
Join MCPR staff at one of three drop-in public meetings to discuss upcoming projects to add new parks, greenway trails, nature preserves, facilities, amenities, and connections.
1. Central Region
Oct. 22, 2024: 5-7:30pm
Tuckaseegee Recreation Center
4820 Tuckaseegee Rd
Charlotte, NC 28208
2. North Region
Oct. 24, 2024: 5-7:30pm
Quest at Latta Nature Preserve
6345 Sample Rd
Huntersville, NC 28078
3. South Region
Oct. 29, 2024: 5-7:30pm
William R. Davie Indoor Pavilion
4635 Pineville-Matthews Rd
Charlotte, NC 28226
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