The Triangle Expressway is the largest highway project in North Carolina history and the first modern toll road in North Carolina. The first two segments opened in southern Durham and western Wake counties in 2011 and 2012.  

  • The first segment of the roadway in Research Triangle Park opened in December 2011.  
  • The next segments, representing the continuation of the 540 Outer Loop, opened in August and December 2012.  

The next extension of the turnpike (called the Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension) will extend the expressway from the N.C. 55 Bypass at Apex to the south and east to I-40 at the existing U.S. 70 Clayton Bypass.  

The final segment of the Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension will extend 540 from I-40 at U.S. 70 Clayton Bypass north and east to U.S. 64/264 freeway at I-540.


Key Map: 


Viewable/Downloadable Maps  (please note maps 1 through 9 are 25-32 MB ea)

Subdivision Listing With Map Location

Key Map

Map 1                              Map 4                              Map 7

Map 2                              Map 5                              Map 8

Map 3                              Map 6                              Map 9


Complete 540 is proposed to be a 6-lane median-divided freeway.  Each direction would consist of three 12-foot lanes with an inner/outer 12-foot foot paved shoulder.  The two directions of traffic would be separated by a 70-foot median.




Complete 540 will be constructed as a design build project.  This is a different process than most typical roadway projects. The design-build process allows NCDOT to hire a team of designers and contractors that is responsible for the design, right of way acquisition, and construction of a project. The team may begin construction of one portion of the project while they finish the design and right of way acquisition for others, usually resulting in faster completion.

Other potential benefits to a design-build project may be innovative solutions and quicker resolution to problems that arise during design and construction. 



NCDOT conducted three public meetings and one formal public hearing in February 2018.  The meeting dates, times, and locations are shown below.

February 20, 2018

Public Meeting #1

Holly Springs High School 

5329 Cass Holt Road, Holly Springs

Open House Public Meeting:     6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

No Formal Presentation was made.

February 21, 2018

Public Meeting #2

Barwell Road Community Center

5857 Barwell Park Drive, Raleigh

Open House Public Meeting:     6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.

No Formal Presentation was made.

February 22, 2018

Public Meeting #3 and Public Hearing

Wake Technical Community College

9101 Fayetteville Road, Raleigh

Open House Public Meeting:     4:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M.

Formal Presentation (Public Hearing) 7:00 P.M.


NCDOT Hearings Officer

Jamille Robbins
NCDOT Environmental Analysis Unit
1598 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC  27699-1598




NCDOT’s “PublicInput” site:


The project comment period closed on March 23, 2018.   


NCDOT Resources for Property Owners

Although the N.C. Department of Transportation works to minimize the number of homes and businesses displaced by a road project, it is inevitable, in many cases, that a certain amount of private property is needed. The following information explains right of way acquisition and answers questions about the process.  

Relocation Assistance Brochure                                                                    Asistencia para Reubicación      
Right-of-Way Acquisition Process Brochure                                                Folleto del Proceso de Adquisición de Bienes Raíces
Right-of-Way Frequently Asked Questions

Question title

Do you have comments or questions for the project team?

Closed for Comments
Please add a drive up book drop for the library.
Reply85 Agree4 years ago
5 Agree4 years ago
4 Agree4 years ago
Yes !!!
1 Agree4 years ago
Agree4 years ago
Agree4 years ago
I love that there are no parking meters. If I had to pay to park, I don't think I would visit downtown Cary as often.
Reply52 Agree4 years ago
Any new parking should include attractive and wide pedestrian facilities (sidewalks/trails) to other sidewalks and destinations.
Reply31 Agree4 years ago
I walk downtown Cary regularly and am a parent at Cary Elementary. With all of the construction and increased traffic downtown safe pedestrian crossing and bike lanes need to be top priority. Not only is this beneficial to the environment but it will also reduce some need for par...See More
Reply27 Agree4 years ago
Did not enjoy the map pin points, to difficult to navigate, not user friendly.
Reply23 Agree4 years ago

Question title

How will completion of 540 change your daily commute or the traveling habits of your family?

Completing 540 will make my travels easier.
Completing 540 will not make my travels easier
I'm not sure how Completing 540 will affect my travels.
Closed to responses | 75 Responses

Question title

Do you have questions you would like answered by the project team?

Closed for Comments
Please add a drive up book drop for the library.
Reply85 Agree4 years ago
5 Agree4 years ago
4 Agree4 years ago
Yes !!!
1 Agree4 years ago
Agree4 years ago
Agree4 years ago
I love that there are no parking meters. If I had to pay to park, I don't think I would visit downtown Cary as often.
Reply52 Agree4 years ago
Any new parking should include attractive and wide pedestrian facilities (sidewalks/trails) to other sidewalks and destinations.
Reply31 Agree4 years ago
I walk downtown Cary regularly and am a parent at Cary Elementary. With all of the construction and increased traffic downtown safe pedestrian crossing and bike lanes need to be top priority. Not only is this beneficial to the environment but it will also reduce some need for par...See More
Reply27 Agree4 years ago
Did not enjoy the map pin points, to difficult to navigate, not user friendly.
Reply23 Agree4 years ago

Question title

Do you have a comment you would like to provide to the project team?

Closed for Comments
Please add a drive up book drop for the library.
Reply85 Agree4 years ago
5 Agree4 years ago
4 Agree4 years ago
Yes !!!
1 Agree4 years ago
Agree4 years ago
Agree4 years ago
I love that there are no parking meters. If I had to pay to park, I don't think I would visit downtown Cary as often.
Reply52 Agree4 years ago
Any new parking should include attractive and wide pedestrian facilities (sidewalks/trails) to other sidewalks and destinations.
Reply31 Agree4 years ago
I walk downtown Cary regularly and am a parent at Cary Elementary. With all of the construction and increased traffic downtown safe pedestrian crossing and bike lanes need to be top priority. Not only is this beneficial to the environment but it will also reduce some need for par...See More
Reply27 Agree4 years ago
Did not enjoy the map pin points, to difficult to navigate, not user friendly.
Reply23 Agree4 years ago