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1. How frequently do you ride a bicycle for any of the following reasons?

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2. How frequently do you walk for any of the following reasons?

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3. Which of the following best describes your experience and comfort level on a bicycle?

Exposure Experienced - I feel comfortable bicycling on any street in virtually any traffic conditions
Comfortably Confident - I ride quite a bit but tend to avoid roads with high speeds and traffic volumes
Willing but Wary - I enjoy bicycling, but mainly on quieter roads, trails and shared use paths
Kids & Beginning Riders - I'm new to bicycling and want to be separated from traffic
No Way - I am not interested in bicycling or am physically unable to ride a bicycle.
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4. If bicycling, what if anything increases your stress or makes you feel unsafe? (Check all that apply)

Lack of bicycle facilities
Lack of separation from traffic
Design of intersections
Lack of lighting
Fear of crime
High traffic volume
High traffic speeds
Driver distraction or other behavior
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5. If walking, what if anything increases your stress or makes you feel unsafe? (Check all that apply)

Lack of sidewalks
Lack of separation from traffic
Design of intersections and crosswalks
Lack of lighting
Fear of crime
High traffic volume
High traffic speeds
Driver distractions or other behavior
Other (Please describe)
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6. Please rate your level of preference for each of the following bicycle facility types on a scale from 1 to 4, with 1 being Not Preferred and 4 being Highly Preferred.

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7. Are there places in town you or your family would like to bike or walk to but don't because of lack of sidewalks, bike lanes, trails, etc? If yes, please describe

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8. In which of the areas of Exeter shown on the map do you live? (if needed you can zoom in to find your street) If you don't live in Exeter see below.

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I don't live in Exeter but I:

Own a business or work in Exeter
Come to Exeter to shop or recreate
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9. Using the interactive map, place markers to identify locations you see as particularly stressful or hazardous for walking or bicycling, or other suggestions for improving the safety and connectivity of Exeter's pedestrian and bicycle network. If the need isn't location specific, you can place the pin anywhere and simply type in the label box.

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10. If the Town of Exeter could improve conditions related to any of the following, to what extent would you be more likely to walk and/or bicycle? Please list "Other" items in the comment section below.

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11. Which of the following types of connectivity improvements would you prioritize?

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12. Please prioritize the following corridors for improving safety for bicycling and walking. You can drag the box for each corridor above the line and arrange in order of priority. Make sure to click "Confirm Priorities" when you are done.

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13. Are there other measures not described above you think the town should take to improve safety and encourage walking and bicycling Exeter?

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14. What is your age?

Under 18
85 years or older
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15. With what racial or ethnic group(s) do you identify?

American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Middle Eastern or North African
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16. What is your gender?

Gender non-conforming/other
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17. Do you have any additional comments about bicycling and walking in Exeter?

Closed for Comments

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Please enter your email if you are interested in either or both of the following options:

Enter to win one of four $50 gift cards from Exeter Cycles
Receive updates on the Exeter Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
Check this box and enter email address if you checked either box above:
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