July 2023 Transportation Department Online Input Opportunity
July 2023 Transportation Department Online Input Opportunity
Provide comments on public input topics for the July 2023 Online Public Input Opportunity. Information will be posted for public review and comment Monday, July 10 - Tuesday, August 8, 2023.
Oportunidad para la Participación en Línea Periodo de Comentarios: Lunes, 10 de Julio- Martes, 8 de Agosto, 2023
July 2023 Online Input Opportunity
Watch this month's presentations at publicinput.com/nctcogJuly23.
Need a ride to the public meeting? Request a $6 roundtrip ride from the DFW CentrePort Station to NCTCOG with the Via app! Download the app at: arlingtontx.gov/via.
For special accommodations due to a disability or language translation, contact 817-695-9255 or jcastillo@nctcog.org. Reasonable accommodations will be made.
Para ajustes especiales por discapacidad o para interpretación de idiomas, llame al 817-695-9255 o por email: jcastillo@nctcog.org. Se harán las adaptaciones razonables.
Comments relevant to and received during specific public comment periods are provided to the RTC in advance of any meetings where they are scheduled to take action on the relevant policy, plan or program. All comments received outside these formal public comment periods, regardless of the topic, are compiled into a monthly report and presented to the RTC in advance of its next regularly scheduled meeting. These comments are accessible to the public in the RTC meeting agendas, public meeting minutes and monthly comment reports on the NCTCOG website.
Input received is provided to the Regional Transportation Council. Comments or questions may be submitted on the specific items listed or other transportation and air quality topics.
Contact Us or Submit Comments and Questions
Email: nctcogJuly23@PublicInput.com
Phone: (855) 925-2801 (Enter code 6357)
Text: (855) 925-2801 (Text keyword "nctcogJuly23")
Fax: (817) 640-3028
Mail: P.O. Box 5888, Arlington, Texas 76005-5888
Additional information about these topics may be found below in the files tab near the bottom of the page.
Each year, the Regional Transportation Council approves an update to the Regional 10‐Year Plan, which identifies major projects to be implemented in the region. An updated draft of the project list covering projects from FY2024 to FY2033 will be presented for review and comment.
Local Clean Air Projects Showcase and Funding Opportunities
NCTCOG works closely with regional partners to develop and implement strategies, policies and programs to enhance air quality. Additionally, the agency periodically provides opportunities for public and private entities to compete for funding intended to reduce fleet emissions. Staff will highlight Dallas-Fort Worth fleet projects implemented using grant funds and announce current funding opportunities available to fleets.
DFW Discovery Trail Update
Staff will provide an overview of the completed DFW Discovery Trail branding and wayfinding project, including final branding recommendations.
Community Gardens Program Guide
NCTCOG's Community Gardens Program guide provides information, resources and tools for city staff and others to develop and implement a community garden program. Staff will provide an overview of this new initiative.
The Certification of Emerging and Reliable Transportation Technology (CERTT) program connects innovative technology providers with local governments. For more details on the program, updates on its most recent developments and program metrics, visit the files tab near the bottom of the page.
Walk to School Day Promotion 2023
Join us for Walk to School Day 2023 on Wednesday, Oct. 4! NCTCOG will be coordinating safety-themed giveaways and a bike raffle for all participating schools. Learn how your school can sign up by accessing the files tab located near the bottom of the page.
Mobility 2045 - 2022 Update Administrative Revisions
Administrative revisions have been made to Mobility 2045, the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for North Central Texas – 2022 Update. A summary of the revisions can be found in the files tab located near the bottom of the page.
Engine Off North Texas
Engine Off North Texas strives to reduce unnecessary idling in our region and provides free outreach and educational materials to deter idling in cities with ordinances in place. Local governments are encouraged to adopt idling restrictions or implement some form of an idle reduction strategy in their jurisdiction. More information: www.EngineOffNorthTexas.org.
Share your questions & comments