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Additional information about these topics may be found below in the files tab near the bottom of the page.
Roadway Safety Plan
From 2016 to 2020 the NCTCOG 12-county area experienced 3,752 fatalities and 19,405 serious injuries on our roadways. The Roadway Safety Plan is the first regional plan to eliminate all fatal and serious injury crashes on our roadways by 2050. This plan uses a data-driven approach to identify especially dangerous crash types and factors that cause these injuries and recommends countermeasures to prevent them from occurring.
National Drive Electric Week
Join NCTCOG, Dallas-Fort Worth Clean Cities, and City of Dallas for National Drive Electric Week (NDEW) on Sunday, Oct. 2 at Dallas City Hall Plaza. This year’s outdoor event will include a showcase of all makes and models of EVs, opportunities to visit with both EV owners and technology vendors, and food trucks. More information:
Updated Rules for Public Comments at Regional Transportation Council Meetings
Members of the public can provide comments during Regional Transportation Council (RTC) meetings. Staff will present a brief overview of implementation to date as well as a procedural update being considered by the RTC. This item has a 45-day comment period. Comments should be submitted by Oct. 26.
Management & Operations (M&O) and Safety Program
The M&O and Safety Programs provide funds to improve the region’s air quality, manage the transportation system, and address safety issues. The funds are also used to provide planning and implementation assistance to reduce congestion and support public transit and bicycle/pedestrian projects and programs. Details of the program and the projects being proposed for funding will be presented.
FY22 Public Transportation Funding: Programs of Projects
NCTCOG staff will present proposed transit projects funded by the Federal Transit Administration through the final award of Fiscal Year 2022 funds for the following four programs: Urbanized Area Formula, Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities, State of Good Repair, and Bus and Bus Facilities. This input opportunity meets the federal requirement for public participation in programs of projects. Please note DART hosts their own public meeting and can be contacted directly for more information.
The following agencies’ programs of projects will be presented:
City of Arlington, City of Cleburne (City/County), City of Grand Prairie, City of McKinney, City of Mesquite, Community Transit Services (CTS), Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART), Denton County Transportation Authority (DCTA), North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), Trinity Metro, Northeast Transportation Service (NETS), Public Transit Services (PTS), Span, Inc., and STAR Transit
Proposed Modifications to the List of Funded Projects
A comprehensive list of funded transportation projects through 2026 is maintained in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Projects with committed funds from federal, State, and local sources are included in the TIP. To maintain an accurate project listing, this document is updated on a regular basis and is posted in the files tab near the bottom of the page for review and comment.
2022 Walk to School Day
Walk to School Day is an annual event where communities from across the nation walk to school to promote healthy lifestyles and alternatives to car trips for school travel. This year’s Walk to School Day is Wednesday, Oct. 12, and NCTCOG will be helping schools celebrate by providing free prizes and promotional items to students at participating schools. More information:
Access North Texas
NCTCOG’s Transportation Department is now accepting public input on the proposed Access North Texas 2022 Update, the regional public transportation coordination plan for the 16-county North Central Texas region. This plan documents the transportation needs of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and individuals with lower incomes across the region. Updated goals and strategies to better serve these populations can be viewed at
Interactive Public Input: Map Your Experience
NCTCOG’s Transportation Department is accepting public input through an online map tool. Comments will be used to guide upcoming planning efforts, including an update to Mobility 2045, the region’s long-range metropolitan transportation plan. Help us plan for the future by letting us know how the region’s transportation system can better serve you. Share your transportation experience at
Regional Smoking Vehicle Program (RSVP)
Since 2007, the RSVP has allowed North Central Texans to help improve air quality by anonymously reporting vehicles emitting visible smoke and pollution. Educational material and information on how to report a smoking vehicle is available upon request. More information:
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