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Great Parks is leading the development of a master plan for the West Region Blueway & Trail System – a new initiative to bring people closer to nature by expanding opportunities for water- and land-based adventure in western Hamilton County. 


Our vision for this new trail system includes:


Girl in a canoe paddling on a river

Strengthening and expanding Great Parks’ blueway in western Hamilton County. 
A blueway, or water trail, is a network of connected waterways that feature managed access points, clear signage and recreational amenities for canoeists, kayakers and other paddlers to enjoy. Access to the blueway in western Hamilton County is currently available in a few locations on the Great Miami River and Whitewater River.



Two people in a kayak waving at a dock

Establishing four to five new canoe/kayak launch sites along the blueway trail. 
The new blueway launch sites will be located on the Great Miami River and Whitewater River and will be managed by Great Parks.



Bicyclist on a shared-use trail

Establishing a new shared-use trail along the Great Miami River corridor.
The shared-use trail will travel from the Butler/Hamilton county line to the Ohio River, near Great Parks' Shawnee Lookout. 
Shared-use trails can be used for walking, running, biking and other forms of non-motorized recreation.


Other opportunities being explored as part of the West Region Blueway & Trail System’s master plan development include:

  • Finding potential locations for new outdoor nature education space 
  • Expanding Great Parks’ paddling course offerings
  • Identifying existing points of interest and locations for additional corridor amenities 
  • Promoting the history and culture of the corridors
  • Identifying possible habitat restoration opportunities 


The planned West Region Blueway & Trail System will span western Hamilton County from north to south and encompass two rivers, four Great Parks – Miami Whitewater Forest, Mitchell Memorial Forest, Campbell Lakes and Shawnee Lookout – and many spaces in between. Trails on land and in the water will wind between vibrant communities and spectacular wilderness areas. 

Study Area Map

Map of the West Region Blueway & Trail System study area. Click map to enlarge.

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Question title

Where do you live? Drop a point on the map to indicate the general area where you live.

Use the +/- buttons on the left side of the map to zoom in to your desired location(s). Click on the blue Add Point button in the upper right hand corner to drop a point on the map (a + sign will appear when you click on Add Point; move the + to your desired location and click to place your point).

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Question title

How did you hear about this Virtual Open House? (check all that apply)

Social media
Great Parks website
Yard signs
Interest group website
Closed to responses | 469 Responses

Question title

In general, how often have you visited a Great Parks location/property in the past 12 months?

Several times a month
Daily or weekly
Several times a year
Just once or twice
I haven't visited a Great Parks park in the past 12 months
Not sure
Closed to responses | 471 Responses