
GTC staff synthesized regional demographic and employment information, its assessment of the current transportation system, its identification of emerging issues and opportunities, and direct input from regional residents into the needs assessment in the preceding chapter.  The recommendations to follow seek to address regional transportation system needs for the next 25 years.

The recommendations consist of an identifier, a short description of the recommendation itself, a short explanation related to the importance of the recommendation, identified potential partner agencies, and a time frame within which to begin execution of that strategy, implementation, policy, or program.

The recommended strategies, projects, programs, and policies will be implemented in order of prioritization phases as funding allows.  Actions related to ongoing recommendations have already begun and should continue without interruption.  Actions related to Near-, Medium-, and Long-Term recommendations should begin within one-to-five, six-to-ten, and eleven-to-twenty-five years, respectively, from the adoption of this plan. 

The LRTP is a policy-based plan that will guide investment decisions over the next 20 years. Therefore, the LRTP does not recommend specific transportation projects. 

For a complete listing of and background on the draft recommendations, please download the "Draft Recommendations for Public Input" listed the Document Section on the side bar to the right. 

Local News Coverage

newspaper iconRead a comprehensive news story summarizing the draft recommendations published in the Rochester Business Journal on February 16, 2021. 


LRTP 2045 Draft Recommendations

To open a PDF file listing each of the recommendations, organized by topic, click on hyperlink below.  This file is 24 pages.  Contact the GTC office at 585-232-6240 if you need assistance viewing or understanding this information. 

Watch a Video

YouTube iconWatch a short 3-minute video of Program Manager Jody Binnix giving an overview of the Long Range Transportation Plan 2045 Draft Recommendation Public Review process.