In the past five years, the City of Jonesboro has undergone exciting changes.  New investment in downtown, new parks, and new businesses have led to a stronger community.  With these changes, it is time to update the city’s comprehensive plan to develop new projects and land use policies to continue the success of the past five years.  Updating the comprehensive plan offers the city of Jonesboro the opportunity to look beyond the execution of day-to-day services and consider where they want to be in the next five years - as well as what has to be done to get there.

This site will serve as the public-facing project hub for Jonesboro Forward, the required update to the City of Jonesboro Comprehensive Plan.  We will provide updates throughout the process, provide activities for you to give us feedback, and provide draft documents for your review and comments.  Sign up below to receive updates as we go through this process together. 

Question title

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Jonesboro Forward Phase 1

 In the past five years, the City of Jonesboro has undergone exciting changes.  New investment in downtown, new parks, and new businesses have led to a stronger community.  With these changes,...

Visit the Blueprint Jonesboro site to learn about the Livable Centers Initiative Plan that has guided the work in downtown Jonesboro

Blueprint Jonesboro – Building an Active Community

Project Status 

Community Open House

Communities guide growth and development through planning. Please join us at Arts Clayton at 136 South Main Street Jonesboro, GA 30236 on May 24th, 2022 to help plan the future of Jonesboro.  

Existing Conditions and Issues

ARC and the City of Jonesboro will be examing data and collecting feedback from community members to understand what are the current challenges facing the City of Jonesboro. 

Strategy Development

Based upon the Issues Identified above, ARC and the City of Jonesboro will develop strategies to address the community issues.  

Implementation Development

To implement the strategies, ARC and the City of Jonesboro will get input on impmentation projects, polciies and an updated land use map to continue to move Jonesboro forward.  

Question title

Give us your initial thoughts on the direction Jonesboro is headed-

Community Open House May 24th

Communities guide growth and development through planning. Please join us at Arts Clayton at 136 South Main Street Jonesboro, GA 30236 on May 24th, 2022 from 6-8 PM to help plan the future of Jonesboro.  

Visit the Blueprint Jonesboro site to learn about the Livable Centers Initiative Plan that has guided the work in downtown Jonesboro

Blueprint Jonesboro – Building an Active Community