
One of the fundamental responsibilities of local government is planning – a word used to describe how a community shapes and guides growth and development. Updating the comprehensive plan offers communities the opportunity to look beyond the execution of day-to-day services and consider where they want to be in the next five years - as well as what has to be done to get there. Check back here regularly to get up-to-date information about the process and participate in multiple engagement opportunities to help shape the comprehensive plan - and South Fulton's future!


How to Use This Site

The 2021 Comprehensive Plan process is broken apart into 3 phases described on the right.  When each phase is open participation, it will have a Blue Participate button.  When that phase is closed, you can still see the results by selecting the review button.  

Fill out the contact information below to get project updates and check back often to see what your neighbors have commented.    

Draft Plan and Appendix

Image of Draft Plan

Click the image to open the document

Question title

What are your thoughts on the plan?

Closed for Comments

City of South Fulton 2021 Comprehensive Plan Phase 3

​Phase 3 is Open to get feedback on Community Work Program Ideas

City of South Fulton 2021 Comprehensive Plan Phase 2

​Phase 2 is Open to get feedback on Community Strategies and Land Use

City of South Fulton 2021 Comprehensive Plan Phase 1

​Phase 1 is closed but you can review the responses to Phase 1.  

Question title

Sign Up For Updates to the Plan

Project Schedule

Phase 1

Phase 1 of the City of South Fulton Comprehensive Plan examines the issues and opportunities of the City of South Fulton. 

January-May 2021

Phase 2

Phase 2 of the City of South Fulton Comprehensive Plan reaffirms the vision and updates to the land use plan for the City of South Fulton. 

June-July 2021

Phase 3

Phase 3 of the City ofSouth Fulton Comprehensive Plan develops the work program for the City of South Fulton to address the issues and oppertunities and implements the vision and land use plan 

July-August 2021

Transmittal Hearing-Sept 28th

This is a formal hearing to submit the plan for State and Regional Comment.  No action is required, and the plan can be revised up to Adoption.


Scheduled for December

Frequently Asked Questions

Each jurisdiction in the State of Georgia is required to examine and make any changes to its Comprehensive Plan every 5 years to main its Qualified Local Government (QLG) status.  Having QLG status means that the jurisdiction is qualified for certain state grants and aid.

Fulton County last updated their plan in 2016.  With the creation of the City of South Fulton, that plan was used as the Comprehensive Plan for the city until October 2021.

No, however, Comprehensive Plans provide policy guidance for future zoning changes and requests but any rezonings will be done at a later date and time.

A Comprehensive Plan identifies future plans, policy initiatives, and projects.  However each year the City Council and city staff will identify activities to move forward based upon the recommendations within the Comprhensive Plan, other plans, and feedback from the community.  

Strategic planning identifies community aspirations and aligns government actions to fulfill them in a short time period.  A Comprehensive Plan is one tool to implement a strategic plan.  

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