Bond Oversight Committee
Bond Oversight Committee
Buncombe County voters approved two bonds in the Nov. 8 general election for Open Space and Affordable Housing. The bonds will generate $30 million and $40 million respectively. With an eye toward oversight and transparency, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution at its Aug. 16 regular meeting establishing a general obligation bonds community oversight committee to monitor the investment of those bond dollars. The Bond Oversight Committee will oversee the financial and legal requirements of the Open Space Bond Fund and the Affordable Housing Bond Fund. Committee members will serve until all bond funds have been committed.
Community Oversight Committee Description: The Committee shall have five members comprised of one person with an accounting background, one person with a banking background, one representative of the affordable housing community, one representative from the conservation and greenways community, each to be appointed by the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners, and one member to be appointed by the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce. The Committee members will serve until all bond funds have been committed.
The Community Oversight Committee will meet for a member orientation in April 2023.