Question title

Rank your top 4 priorities for Tulare County.

Rank your top 4 priorities in order. You may rank all priorities in your order of preference if you choose.

Closed to responses | 104 Responses

Question title

What are the 2 biggest barriers to using public transit?

Visalia Bus Head on
Doesn't come often enough
Doesn't go where I need.
Doesn't stop near my home
Not interested.
Other (Please explain in comment)
Doesn't run late enough.
Not safe.
Not reliable.
Too crowded.
Closed to responses | 108 Responses

Question title

The RTP Should:

Indicate how much you agree or disagree with each statement. You may also submit a comment explaining your choices in more detail.

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Housing Density and Energy Consumption

The density of housing and other land development can have significant impacts on a region's energy consumption. Less dense development typically leads to higher energy consumption as the distances between residential neighborhoods, commercial centers, and community services increase. Higher density development tends to decrease distances and make walking, biking, or taking public transit a more attractive and practical option. Large homes also use considerably more energy for cooling and heating than smaller homes do.

Housing Density and Water Consumption

Housing density can also impact regional water consumption. Low density development uses more water for landscaping than higher density development, but it could also reduce the region's overall water consumption if farmland is retired from agricultural production. Similarly, higher density housing reduces the amount of water needed for landscaping but might result in a higher overall population which would lead to higher domestic water use.

Question title

What level of housing density is most appropriate for future development in Tulare County?

Housing Density Slider Image

Position the slider between left (low density detached housing only) and right (high density attached housing) to indicate the mix of housing types appropriate for future growth & development.

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Question title

Do you favor encouraging second units ("in-law apartments" or "granny flats") and conversion of office & commercial space to residential in already developed areas?

Yes to Second Units Only
Yes to Conversion of Office/Commercial Space Only
Closed to responses | 88 Responses

RTP Trend 2022RTP Blueprint 2022RTP CVC Blueprint+ 2022

Scenarios shown above. Click each image to enlarge.

Question title

Which one of these development scenarios do you favor?

CrossValley Blueprint Plus
Blueprint (2018 Plan)
Closed to responses | 72 Responses