2025 Season Setting: Bear CR 102
2025 Season Setting: Bear CR 102
This rule making proposal offers one WAC amendment. To click on the 'submit' button, you will need to hover near your name.
View WDFW rulemaking website for 2025 Season Setting - BearPurpose of the proposal and its anticipated effects, including any changes in existing rules: WAC 220-415-090 Fall black bear hunting seasons and regulations: This rule change proposal, if adopted, specifies what the black bear hunting season dates and bag limits are for each of the 14 Black Bear Management Units (BBMU), as well as where it is illegal to harvest black bear in Washington. The amendments make it unlawful to kill cubs (less than one-year old) and females with cubs. The amendments also include the list of GMUs where the Bear ID Test is required. Finally, the amendments specify that mandatory bear tooth samples must be submitted to the department by December 1.
Reasons supporting proposal: WAC 220-415-090 Fall black bear hunting seasons and regulations: The amendments, if adopted as proposed, will provide a more robust framework for WDFW to manage black bears in Washington to maintain stable populations, except in urban areas where the social carrying capacity for bears is lower. It allows the department to protect cubs and females with cubs, to require the bear ID test in all potential places where a grizzly bear may disperse, and it makes tooth submission enforceable by adding a deadline.
Please note: All comments received by WDFW are part of the public record and will be available for public viewing - so please do not include private information in the text of your comments. Comments are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56.