Route 11

Preferred Alternative

  • Route 11 has severe on-time performance issues, particularly during the afternoon peak.
  • In order to improve on-time performance, Route 11 would be shortened to no longer serve Buchanan Boulevard and Green Street.  Instead, Route 11 would operate to Broad Street via Main Street, serving the existing stops served by the Bull City Connector. 
  • Route 11 would have two different variants. One variant (Route 11) would continue on LaSalle Street to the existing terminus at Cole Mill Road. The second variant (Route 11B) would continue on the current Route 6 alignment to American Village. Route 11B would not deviate into the apartments off Morreene Road.

Question title

What do you think about the proposed changes to Route 11 as part of the Preferred Alternative?

I think these changes are good
I’m not sure but I think this might be good
This doesn’t affect me or I don’t have an opinion on this
I’m not sure but I think this might be bad
I don’t think you should make these changes
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you have any other thoughts or ideas on Route 11?

Closed for Comments

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