On-Demand Zones

Preferred Alternative

Develop pilot project to supplement Route 3B service in East Durham with a partnership with private operators, such as taxi cabs, Uber, or Lyft. 

The intent of the on-demand pilot zone is to provide first/last mile services in areas that have a high need, but are difficult to serve with fixed-route bus service due to a limited roadway network and overall lower residential/employment densities. 

Any trip beginning and ending in the service zone will be subsidized by GoDurham.  No subsidy should be given for trips going outside the service zone.  Transfers to regular service may be made at The Village. 



Question title

What do you think about the proposed on-demand zone?

I think these changes are good
I’m not sure but I think this might be good
This doesn’t affect me or I don’t have an opinion on this
I’m not sure but I think this might be bad
I don’t think you should make these changes
Closed to responses

Question title

Do you have any other thoughts or ideas regarding on-demand zones?

Closed for Comments

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