Automated and connected vehicle technologies are among the most heavily researched topics in transportation planning. The vehicle technologies currently available are only a fraction of what is being developed for the future. These new technologies will have a completely transformative impact on how we travel.  The technologies for autonomous cars, connected cars, and advanced driver assistance systems overlap, go here to learn more about these emerging technologies.

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1. What is your level of familiarity with autonomous/connected vehicles?

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2. What is your general opinion regarding autonomous/connected vehicles?

Even if you had never heard of autonomous/connected vehicles before participating in this survey, please give us your opinion based on the description you just read.

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3. How likely do you think it is that the following benefits will occur when using autonomous/connected vehicles?

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4. How concerned are you about the following issues related to autonomous/connected vehicles?

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5. Of the three main areas that connected vehicles are expected to affect—safety, mobility and the environment—which is most important to you?

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6. If the cost is reasonable, how interested would you be in having this technology on a vehicle YOU DRIVE?

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7. If the cost is reasonable, how interested would you be in having this technology on a vehicle that DRIVES YOU?

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8. In your opinion, how should connected cars and autonomous vehicles be regulated?

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9. Where are you located? (optional)

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10. Enter your email to sign up for updates from OKI Regional Council of Governments as we update our 2050 Long-Range Transportation Plan. (optional)