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Awake58 User Feedback Survey
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EdNC Survey
Question title
We launched our community college coverage earlier this year. At the end of August, we toured all 58 community colleges and launched our Awake58 newsletter and social media accounts. How often have you engaged with our work so far in any capacity?
Rarely or never
Only when something was written about my area of interest
Select a response
EdNC Survey
Question title
Which of the following, if any, have you done in the last month? (Check all that apply)
Read an EdNC newsletter (including Awake58).
Discussed something you read on EdNC with faculty members, students, or administration.
Discussed something you read on EdNC with community members.
Shared an article or information from EdNC on social media.
Commented on an EdNC article on our website or on social media.
Changed your mind about an education-related topic because of something you read on EdNC.
Directly applied knowledge gained from EdNC to your professional life.
Used information from EdNC to inform a decision relating to your job in the field of education.
Read EdNC content sent to my email from a friend or colleague.
I have not taken any actions as a result of reading EdNC.
Confirm your selection
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EdNC Survey
Question title
If EdNC ceased to exist tomorrow, you would:
Feel you've lost a source of news that you can't find anywhere else
Feel you've lost a source of news, but you can find the information elsewhere
Not be impacted one way or another
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EdNC Survey
Question title
How you would describe your level of engagement with local education news?
I read as many education stories as I can every day
I occasionally try to catch up on what's going on
I only read big education news stories that everyone is talking about
I don't read local education news
Other (please specify below)
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What education topics are you most interested in? (Check all that apply)
Education politics and policy
Equity in education
Teaching in classrooms
Statewide or local educational attainment
Community college leadership pipeline and preparation
Confirm your selection
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EdNC Survey
Question title
What have you found most valuable about our work so far?
Awake58 newsletter
Our social media
Content on
Confirm your selection
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EdNC Survey
Question title
Do you believe your local community college receives adequate coverage in the local media?
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EdNC Survey
Question title
We share our content on a variety of platforms. Please rank the following ways of receiving our content by how often you read our content on these platforms, with the most frequently used platform at the top of the list, and the least frequently used at the bottom. To rank, click and drag the bubbles into the top box that says: "Your top priority." If you do not use a particular platform, do not add it to your priority list.
EdNC Survey
Question title
I consider EdNC a reliable resource to keep me updated on education in NC. Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement above where 1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree, 3=Neither agree nor disagree, 4=Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree.
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EdNC Survey
Question title
I feel that EdNC provides a comprehensive and neutral view of what's happening in education in North Carolina. Please indicate your level of agreement with the statement above where 1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree, 3=Neither agree nor disagree, 4=Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree.
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EdNC Survey
Question title
Tell us anything. What questions should we be asking ourselves that we haven't included in this survey? What keeps you up at night when you think about education in North Carolina?
EdNC Survey
Question title
Do you have an idea of a story you want to see EdNC cover? Let us know below.
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