Over the past few months, Charlotteans shared their passion, ideas, and values for our city.  We grouped many ideas into the top five Vision Elements and the top eight Goals for the 2040 Comprehensive Plan. 

All the input — and the Vision Elements and Goals — are helping to create the framework for the Comprehensive Plan. This framework will be our measuring stick. When scenarios are created for our city’s future growth and how land is used, they will be measured against the framework to make sure they move the community’s vision for the city forward. 


Please review the eight goals that follow and tell us what you think! How well do the following goals reflect YOUR aspirations for the future of Charlotte?

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Please tell us if you have suggestions about the eight goals above or other priority goals that should replace one of the eight listed above.

Closed for Comments

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My goal for Charlotte is...

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It is important to collect demographic data to ensure all stakeholder groups are represented in the planning process. The following questions will help the City of Charlotte monitor and evaluate community engagement efforts for the Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan.