Question title

* Please provide your contact information

Question title

What groups, interests, or demographics can you help connect with?

Question title

Plan Ambassadors agree to help spread the word about the comprehensive plan and enhance engagement by assisting with outreach efforts. They are asked to make a commitment to attend meetings and community workshops over the next 2 years. Can you make that commitment?

Select a response

It is important to collect demographic data to ensure that all segments of the community are represented in the Charlotte Future 2040 planning process. The following questions will help the City of Charlotte evaluate its community engagement efforts and determine if additional ambassadors are needed to represent other segments of the community. 

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What is your age? (Select one)

Select a response

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With which race do you most identify? (Select all that apply)

Select a response

Question title

Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin or descent? (Select one)

Select a response