Guemes Ferry Operations & Service Survey
Guemes Ferry Operations & Service Survey
How can we make your ferry experience better?
We're working with BERK Consulting & KPFF Consulting Engineers to study possible system improvements that address issues identified by the ferry community. Once we understand what you are most interested in, we will look at the operational and cost implications of the preferred options.
BERK and KPFF’s work will result in two packages of system improvement options (both prioritize maintaining two round-trips per hour).
Package 1: Service improvements that can be attained with minimum investment
Package 2: Additional service improvements that come at a higher cost
Future opportunities for feedback will be a November 7 public forum and a second online survey this fall. Once the study is complete, we will present the packages to the County Commissioners in January 2020.
About the survey
There are a total of 5 questions; ideally participants would respond to all of them. There are both multiple choice and ranking questions.
For the multiple choice questions, simply select your responses. You will be prompted to confirm your response if the question allows more than one answer. You will know your response has been submitted when you see "You responded" at the bottom of each question.
For the ranking questions, you are asked to prioritize options. Move your top priorities into the "YOUR TOP PRIORITY" box by clicking or dragging and dropping. Your selection will turn blue. Continue to rank as many options as you choose.
When you are finished with the survey, click "Complete" at the bottom of the page. If you've missed any required questions, you will receive a message indicating your survey is incomplete.
You can also share your thoughts & ideas; comments are anonymous and visible to all survey takers. Results will be revealed after the close of the survey. Thank you for taking time to submit your input.
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