ASO Strategic Plan Framework Community Survey
ASO Strategic Plan Framework Community Survey
The ASO Strategic Plan Community Survey closed on 11/05/2024. Thank you to everyone who took the survey! We appreciate your feedback.
Over the past several months, ASO has been working closely with partners in the Strategic Planning Working Group to assess ASO's current state, identify priorities, create a vision for ASO’s future, and develop a strategic plan framework. Input from staff, volunteers, and the community was gathered, synthesized, and shared with the Working Group. This valuable input has shaped the creation of the draft strategic plan framework.
The framework serves as a high-level guide and provides a structure for developing the complete plan. As we move forward in finalizing the plan and adding specific strategies and measures, we invite your feedback on the draft framework. We want to know what you like and where you see gaps.
Please take a moment to fill out the survey below to share your thoughts on the draft strategic plan framework. The framework will be updated based on the feedback we receive from the community and staff, as well as input from the Working Group.
This survey closed on November 5th. To see Working Group members and learn more about the process, please visit
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