What is a mobility hub?

Mobility hubs are a place of connectivity with regional and local multimodal transportation options, offering integrated facilities, amenities, technologies, and services. They offer choices to get you where you need to go, making it easier to transfer from one form of travel (like walking, biking, or using a scooter) to another (like carpooling, taking Uber/Lyft, or using a bus or shuttle). Typically, mobility hubs are designed around transit services, such as bus service or passenger rail. The Apex Mobility Hub will be designed to serve existing local and regional bus service and potential future passenger rail service along the railroad running parallel to Salem Street, through downtown Apex (called the S-Line). 

Features a hub could include:

  • Rail platforms (to serve potential future passenger rail)

  • Parking

  • Bus stop and shelter

  • Bicycle share

  • Electric vehicle charging

  • Public space like a mini park or plaza

  • Restrooms

  • Much more!

Example concept for a mobility hub, provided by NCDOT.

Establish Vision

Step One: Determine preferred features, design, and amenities for a mobility hub in Apex.

Share your input at the first public open house! Drop in any time between 4:00 pm and 6:30 pm at the Halle Cultural Arts Center (237 N. Salem Street) on Monday, August 5th.

Site Selection & Suitability Analysis

Step Two: Assess existing conditions and identify potential locations for a mobility hub that would meet the Apex vision and support potential future passenger rail requirements. The S-Line Transit Oriented Development Study identified two general areas for a mobility hub: centered around the heart of Salem Street near Center Street, or centered at the crossroads of South Salem Street and Williams Street.

Concept Development

Step Three: Compare possible locations and develop a conceptual plan for the preferred mobility hub location.

Implementation Plan

Final Step: Based on the conceptual plan, develop a cost estimate and phasing plan. Identify possible funding sources for future implementation.


Town of Apex Contact:

Shannon Cox, Planning Department



NCDOT Contact:

Michael Stafford, Integrated Mobility Division

