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1. How important is it to you that we include the following issue in this study:
Affordable housing, include units available at very low-income levels.

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2. How important is it to you that we include the following issue in this study:
Safe and comfortable places to walk

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3. How important is it to you that we include the following issue in this study:
Cultural resources and historic preservation

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4. How important is it to you that we include the following issue in this study:
Land uses around station areas, such as places to live, work, and shop

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4. Are there important issues missing from the survey that you would like us to consider?

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5. Do you have any questions you'd like consultants applying for the project to answer?

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How will the tree cover on New Bern Ave be maintained or replaced?
Reply14 Agree4 years ago
1. Who on your team lives or works in Raleigh?
2. Tell us your direct experience with equitable development. Any lessons learned?
3. What is your favorite transit station? Why? What is your least favorite transit station? Why?
4. How do you plan to engage the communities...See More
Reply13 Agree4 years ago
Ken ChenI agree. All these are critical questions to ask particularly #1. Too often big spending project such as this are out-sourced to big development firms outside of city/state. Sure, if a firm is from a metropolitan/major city they might have insight into how we can grow into a metr...See More
1 Agree4 years ago
BobPlease make sure that our Capital city maintains its beautification standards in this process. We are a major metropolitan, but we are also a tight knit community that believes in outdoor beauty.
Reply13 Agree4 years ago
Is you plan going to help alleviate traffic congestion safely and affordably?
Have you, or anyone on your team ever lived in the New Bern Ave. corridor?
Do you know what the typical commute is like on this corridor during peak travel times?
How do you plan to fight gen...See More
Reply5 Agree4 years ago
Kim AndersenHow is the plan taking into consideration the natural environment? Wildlife and trees and green areas need to be preserved where they exist and more trees and green spaces need to be created wherever possible.
Reply4 Agree4 years ago

Question title

6. What is the best way to communicate with residents and other stakeholders, and how can the study best gather community input?

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TALK to residents, business and property owners. Actually engage them at the beginning of the process before putting pen to paper. Ask them about their concerns, priorities and vision for their community. Then work collaboratively with them to incorporate those things into the pl...See More
Reply10 Agree4 years ago
BobSocial media, zoom and the local news will be sufficient.
Reply4 Agree4 years ago
Engage students
Reply2 Agree4 years ago
Eric BraunIn addition to the typical outreach efforts, go into surrounding neighborhoods and speak with residents living in the area. Maybe to pop up events in area shopping, office and the YMCA.
Reply1 Agree4 years ago
MaryCraven PoteatUse the CAC that we’re displaced !?!
Reply1 Agree4 years ago

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7. Is there anything else about the project you'd like to tell us?

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8. Do you live near (within a mile or so) of New Bern Avenue?

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johnfrench907@gmail.comIf the bus system was decent to downtown, I would consider using it from North Raleigh
Reply2 Agree4 years ago
I live two blocks from New Bern and used to use route 15 to walk/bus to the Alamo Drafthouse. Looking forward to the sidewalk improvements since I had to deal with muddy undeveloped sides of the roads to get to the bus stop.
Reply2 Agree4 years ago
I live directly on New Bern Ave, and it is important to me that this project be executed correctly (and tastefully) so that people actually use it. Efficient public transportation is sorely lacking in Raleigh.
ReplyAgree4 years ago
live on davie
own property on new bern
ReplyAgree4 years ago
S.D.I live near Buffaloe Rd & 540. I wish BRT was was close so I could have connections to the New Bern area
ReplyAgree4 years ago

Question title

9. Do you work near (within a mile or so) of New Bern Avenue?

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