Building and Fire Codes

The building codes are building standards that are updated every three years to employ current and available construction practices across the industry.  Planning and Development Services uses these standards to permit the construction of residential homes, commercial buildings, public structures, and their mechanical systems.  The State Building Code Council now references the 2018 editions of the codes. These codes went into effect locally on February 1st, 2021.  June 8 Presentation

This update will change Skagit County Code (SCC) 15.04 references from the 2015 editions, to the 2018 editions of the following International Codes: International Residential Code, International Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, International Fire Code, International Wildland-Urban Interface Code, International Energy Conservation Code, and the International Property Maintenance Code. The most significant changes are related to the Energy Code.

The specific appendices and supplements of each code are included in Appendix A of the Staff Report. The last time Skagit County updated to these codes was in 2016. 

The County can amend the codes adopted by the State Building Code Council to adapt to local conditions, except where it affects single-family or multifamily residential buildings[1].  


[1] RCW 19.27.060 Local building regulations superseded—Exceptions.