Question title

What street do you live on? No number needed.

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Question title

What is your zip code?
*This is not required but we would find this helpful. We will only use this information to understand which neighborhoods have the most interest in what is happening at Burton Street Park.

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Question title

Do you visit Burton Street Park?

I have never visited.
I visit daily.
I visit weekly.
I visit monthly.
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Question title

Please prioritize the existing activities, moving what is most important to be improved and or remain to the top of the list. You can click and drag the options to change the order.

Open Field
Basketball Court
None of the above
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Question title

Please prioritize the improvements you would like to see added to Burton Street Park by moving what is most important to the top of the list. You can click and drag the options to change the order.

Picnic shelter with grill(s) for rental for events and activities
Outdoor fitness spaces
Sports field improvements
Off-leash dog area
Paved path (for walking, biking, skating, etc.)
Park lighting
Historic information signs
Public art and/or mural
Additional parking
Preservation of stone steps
Seating areas
None of the above
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Question title

Please prioritize any concerns you have regarding Burton Street Park, moving what is most important to the top of the list. You can click and drag the options to change the order.

None of the Above
Closed to responses

Question title

What other ideas do you have for improving Burton Street Park?

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