Boards and Commissions - Realignment Project
Boards and Commissions - Realignment Project
The City of Asheville staff is working with stakeholders to realign the advisory boards to address challenges within the current system.
Why review the structure?
Continuous Improvement: City leadership is constantly reviewing if we can do things more effectively. Many of our boards and commissions have been around for a long time, even dating back to the 1960s. In that time there has not been an overall assessment of this important City support system.
Project scope:
Work with stakeholders to recommend structural and operational improvements to the Boards and Commissions program to provide the community with a broader array of accessible ways to participate in policy discussions, and to give Council and board and commission members a clear path for connecting community ideas and input to Council policy decisions.
Happening Now:
The Realignment Working Group (RWG) is a community-coordinated and led Working Group that meets regularly on the 3rd Monday from 5:30-7:00 p.m. These meetings are held virtually. The RWG will meet next on September 9, 2024, from 5:30-6:30 p.m., virtually (rescheduled meeting)
Please see the Realignment Working Group Tab for more information and meeting materials.
Additionally, the RWG has Sub-Groups. Click here for RWG Sub-Group(s) meetings and information.
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