ODOT District 4 is preparing plans for the permanent removal of the Lanterman Road bridge (Structure No. 5006422) over IR 680 between North Four Mile Run Road and Riblet Road in Austintown Township in Mahoning County. 

The project also proposes the construction of cul-de-sacs, on either side of IR 680, so that motorists, delivery vehicles, maintenance equipment, and safety service vehicles can easily continue to use Lanterman Road. Access to businesses and residences along Lanterman Road will be maintained during construction. The proposed project is currently in the environmental engineering phase which includes environmental studies and preliminary plan development. Details on the cul-de-sac construction and right-of-way needs are being finalized. Both permanent and temporary right-of-way are required to construct the cul-de-sacs on either side of IR 680. Lanterman Road will also be repaved between Four Mile Run Road and Riblet Road. 

Purpose & Need

The purpose of this project is to address the condition of the nearly 60-year old bridge deck that is nearing the end of its useful life and is in need of a superstructure (deck and beams) replacement. Bridge replacement was considered but the current and anticipated traffic volume on Lanterman Road does not warrant construction of a new bridge. Need elements for the project are:

  • Structural condition,

  • Poor wearing surface on the bridge,

  • Narrow lanes and shoulders on the bridge and approach roadway,

  • Poor approach roadway condition, and

  • The steel superstructure is deteriorated. 

Public Involvement

ODOT is soliciting public input on the the proposed permanent bridge removal and cul-de-sac work.  Public input is an important part of the project process and will be used to help guide decision-making.  The virtual public open house is open from June 12, 2024 through July 12, 2024 (see the "VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE" tab for more information).  Questions and comments may be submitted anytime to Sean Carpenter (see the "COMMENTS" tab for more information).

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Project Contact  

If you have any questions, please contact:

Sean Carpenter
District Environmental Specialist
ODOT District 4

2088 S. Arlington Road
Akron, OH 44306



Project Information

Lanterman Road Bridge Removal Presentation

Virtual Open House Comment Sheet

Bridge Removal Study


2019 Public Open House Materials

2019 Response to Public Comments


ODOT Environmental Information

ODOT NEPA Assignment