Project Overview

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is engaging Delaware County, Berkshire and Berlin townships, and the City of Sunbury to update studies for improvements of the United States Route (U.S.) 36 and State Route (SR) 37 interchange with Interstate 71 (I-71). The studies consider alignments for the following key improvements.

  • Construct a combined interchange that meets the capacity needs of I-71 and U.S. 36/SR 37. A second I-71 connection to the south would provide access to a new east-west roadway, Sunbury Parkway.
  • Construct a new 4.3 mile east-west roadway, to be named Sunbury Parkway, from Africa Road at U.S. 36/SR 37 east to W. Cherry Street in the city of Sunbury.
  • Extend Wilson Road south to the proposed Sunbury Parkway. 

You may recall that ODOT held public meetings on this project in 2016.  At that time, private funds were committed to construct the eastern section of Sunbury Parkway, from Wilson Road to W. Cherry Street. Wilson Road was also to be extended using private funds.  However, these committed improvements were not constructed as anticipated. ODOT now intends to advance the entire project and is evaluating the best alignment for Sunbury Parkway – which requires the previous studies to be revisited and additional public involvement.

Public Involvement: In June 2023 ODOT hosted multiple public meetings for this project.  See the Public Meeting tab for more information, including ODOT’s responses to frequently asked questions.  You can also download the ODOT Summary of all Comments and Responses from the Documents Section.  General public feedback supported the Recommended Preferred Alternative that was presented during the public meetings (see Preferred Alternative map, below).  This is the Green Alternative to the west and the Southern (yellow) Alternative to the east.

Re-evaluation of the Environmental Assessment:  A re-evaluation of the Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared for the Improved Interchange at I-71 and U.S. 36/SR 37 and Proposed Sunbury Parkway project.  The EA Re-evaluation can be downloaded from the Documents Section.  The draft EA Re-evaluation was made available for public comments during the month of October, 2024.  A Summary of Comments and Responses from the EA public outreach is available for download in the Documents Section.

The EA Reevaluation summarizes the following:

  • Purpose and need for the proposed improvements
  • Alternative designs that were considered and comparisons of potential impacts to the natural and human environments
  • Records of coordination with the public and with tribes and other government agencies
  • Commitments related to the Preferred Alternative to mitigate anticipated impacts to the natural and human environments

Preferred Alternative Map (click the image to enlarge)

PID 90200

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Would you like to receive updates (Newsletters, meeting invitation, etc.) as this project progresses? If so, please provide us with the folllowing information.

2016-17: Public Meetings and Environmental Assessment

These meetings and the former Environmental Assessment (EA) did not include analysis of alternatives for Sunbury Parkway and Wilson Road Extension east of I-71.

2022: Begin Updates to Feasibility Study

Alternatives for Sunbury Parkway east of I-71 and the Wilson Road Extension were added to the Feasibility Study for analysis.

June 2023: Public Involvement Meetings

ODOT held two virtual and one in-person meeting to present and gather public feedback on the considered alternatives, the Recommended Preferred alternative, and environmental impacts.

December 2023: Post Public Comments & ODOT Responses

  • Post a summary of comments from the public meetings and ODOT's responses.
  • Show updates to the Recommended Preferred Alternative based on public comments.

Fall 2024: Post the EA Re-evaluation for Public Review and Comments

The Environmental Assessment (EA) Re-evaluation was posted on October 1, 2024, for public review and comments. The public comment period was 30 days.


Winter 2024/25: Finalize the EA Re-evaluation

  • ODOT reviewed and replied to public comments in December 2024.
  • ODOT will modify the EA to reflect all applicable comments and ODOT responses. 
  • If it is determined that there are no significant impacts associated with the Preferred Alternative, ODOT will prepare a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) statement. 
  • The expected schedule for construction phasing will be updated, if needed.