American Rescue Plan Act Survey
American Rescue Plan Act Survey
This is a one-time opportunity to make a lasting impact on your community!
On March 11, 2021, the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was signed into law, and established the Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Fund and Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, which together make up the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (“SLFRF”) program. These funds are in response to the economic and public health impacts of COVID-19 and in their efforts to contain impacts on their communities, residents, and businesses. Funding from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds is subject to the requirements specified in the Final Rule adopted by Treasury on January 6, 2022. and all expenditures must be legal under North Carolina State law for muncipalities.
Overall the Town will receive $16.7 million dollars from two different sources. One of the sources is the US Treasury Department and it has alloted $5.2 million dollars to Apex. These funds coming directly from the US Treasury can be used on any general government service that the Town of Apex typically provides. The other source of funding is the State of North Carolina through the North Carolina Pandemic Relief Office (NCPRO). From NCPRO the Town of Apex will receive $11.5 million. The funding from NCPRO will have stricter rules when it comes to how the funds can be spent. Ultimately, these rules will help to ensure that the American Rescue Plan Funds will be spent on those most impacted by the pandemic and in ways that benefit our community in the aftermath of COVID-19.
The role of the American Rescue Plan Act Funds in Apex are intended to make large scale positive impacts in our community. These funds have often been referred to as "once in a lifetime ". Thus, the Town of Apex wants to be good stewards of these funds and invest in projects that make a long lasting, significant, and lifetime changing impact. We want to hear from our community on how you desire to see the funds used to impact our town.