Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Strategy
Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Strategy
Contact staff liasion Jody Binnix for more information about GTC's role in this planning project by emailing her at or calling her voicemail box at (585) 232-6240 x218.
Visit the project webpage at for more details.
Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Strategy public meeting
The first Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Study public open house will be held in the evening of Thursday, November 7, 2024, in the Gymnasium at World Of Inquiry School #58, 200 University Ave, Rochester, NY.
The public is encouraged to drop in anytime between 6:00 and 7:30 pm to participate in an informal and interactive open house.
Participants will be asked to share their thoughts on the goals and desires related to future land use, open space, appearance, and mobility improvements for the Inner Loop North project area. There will be a formal 15-minute presentation beginning at 6:15 pm that will provide an overview of the Inner Loop North Mobility and Development Study to date, project goals, and information on how the community can stay involved in the study process.
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