EdNC Survey

Question title

Are you currently a student at a North Carolina community college?

Yes, full-time
Yes, part-time
Yes, dually enrolled through Career and College Promise (including early college)
No (please skip to the end of the survey)
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EdNC Survey

Question title

In which courses were you enrolled this semester? Select all that apply and click "Confirm your selection."

Continuing education (workforce development)
Basic skills or GED classes
I don't know
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EdNC Survey

Question title

Which North Carolina community college do you currently attend?

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EdNC Survey

Question title

What is your race/ethnicity?

Black or African-American
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish
American Indian or Alaska Native
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Two or more races/ethnicities
I prefer not to answer
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EdNC Survey

Question title

What is your gender?

Do not identify as male, female, or transgender
Prefer not to answer
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EdNC Survey

Question title

What is your age?

Under 18
65 or older
Prefer not to answer
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EdNC Survey

Question title

Did the COVID-19 pandemic impact your college enrollment plans?

No, the pandemic did not impact my college enrollment plans
Yes, I enrolled in a different community college
Yes, I enrolled in a community college instead of a four-year university
Yes, I enrolled in community college when I had not been planning to previously
Yes, I had to drop out because of the pandemic
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EdNC Survey

Question title

Did the COVID-19 pandemic impact your plans about your program, major, or pathway of study?

Yes, I changed my program, major, or program of study as a result of the pandemic
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EdNC Survey

Question title

Did the COVID-19 pandemic impact your decision to enroll full-time or part-time?

Yes, I enrolled part-time instead of full-time due to the pandemic
Yes, I enrolled full-time instead of part-time due to the pandemic
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EdNC Survey

Question title

How would you describe your household's current financial situation?

It is better than it was before the COVID-19 pandemic
It is worse than it was before the COVID-19 pandemic
It is about the same as it was before the COVID-19 pandemic
I don't know
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EdNC Survey

Question title

Are you struggling to pay for college?

Yes, I am struggling to pay for college as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
Yes, I am struggling to pay for college, but it is not a result of the COVID-19 pandemic
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EdNC Survey

Question title

Do you have access to a device on which to do your coursework? Select all that apply and click "Confirm your selection."

Desktop computer
Laptop (including Chromebook)
Smart phone
I do not have access to a device
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EdNC Survey

Question title

Are you able to access the internet at your home when you need it for your coursework?

Yes, and it is reliable
Yes, but it is not always reliable
No, I cannot access the internet at my home
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EdNC Survey

Question title

Over the past 30 days, have you had any of the following issues with your online coursework? Select all that apply and click "Confirm your selection."

Finding a quiet place/time for schoolwork
Using the online learning system
Accessing other hardware (printer, camera, etc.)
Scheduling issues
Accessing the internet
Communicating with college instructors/staff
Login issues
Getting the right software
Accessing a working computer/device
No issues
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EdNC Survey

Question title

Since the beginning of the pandemic, have you had trouble completing homework and other assignments because you do not have adequate care for your children or other dependents?

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EdNC Survey

Question title

How easy or difficult would it be for you to acquire $500 in cash or credit within 30 days for an unexpected expense?

Very easy
Pretty easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Pretty difficult
Very difficult
I don't know
Closed to responses
EdNC Survey

Question title

Have you experienced any of these challenges due to COVID-19? Select all that apply and click "Confirm your selection."

I have tested positive for COVID-19.
A family member has tested positive for COVID-19.
I have lost my job, lost income, or had my hours cut.
I have not been able to pay my rent or mortgage.
I have not been able to pay my bills (not including rent or mortgage).
I have lost child care.
I have lost housing.
Closed to responses
EdNC Survey

Question title

After experiencing virtual learning this past year, what mode of learning do you prefer? Please explain why in the comments below.

Virtual learning
In-person learning
Hybrid (mix of virtual and in-person)
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EdNC Survey

Question title

What are your top 2-3 needs to increase your academic, social, and/or emotional wellbeing?

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EdNC Survey

Question title

Is there anything else you want to tell us about COVID-19 and your community college experience?

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EdNC Survey

Question title

* Thank you! Leave your name and email below if an EdNC reporter can follow up with you and for the chance to receive a $25 Amazon gift card.