
Following updates to the District's Comprehensive Plan in 2021, new buildings on Connecticut Avenue from Chevy Chase Circle down to Livingston Street could potentially be redeveloped with heights up to 50-65ft pending future zoning changes. These buildings would be 1-2 stories taller than allowed today to allow for upper-story residential above ground-level storefronts. For the Chevy Chase Small Area Plan Community Design Workshop (held virtually on January 22, 2022) and this Design Survey, a handful of sites were selected to visualize examples of potential mixed use buildings, along the Connecticut Avenue corridor, that would fit within the land use designations in the updated Comprehensive Plan. The Small Area Plan is a first step that will inform future zoning changes and deliberations with developers who may wish to rezone or redevelop their properties here in future years.


The survey on the following pages is organized by four character areas as described in the Community Design Workshop presentation (slides link) and (video link). The questions associated with each of the four character areas are the same as those discussed in break-out groups by participants at the Community Design Workshop. This survey is open January 24 through February 7, 2022.


Questions about the survey or Small Area Plan? Check out the project webpage, email the project team at ChevyChasePlan@dc.gov, or drop-in for Community Office Hours with the project team at the Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library (5625 Connecticut Avenue NW) on Thursday January 27, 12:30pm – 2:30pm or Thursday, February 3, 5pm – 7pm.