Clover Hill Drainage and Capacity Study
Clover Hill Drainage and Capacity Study
Frederick County’s Division of Energy & Environment (DEE) and the Division of Public Works (DPW) have partnered to perform a drainage and capacity study of the Clover Hill neighborhood to evaluate the flooding events, pinpoint likely causes of overland flooding from stormwater, and identify opportunities to increase the capacity of the existing stormwater conveyance systems to help alleviate flooding. An initial public meeting hosted by the County was held February 2021 to present the results of the existing conditions assessment and to garner additional input from residents about potential problem areas for the second phase of the project. Comments from the February 2021 public meeting were reviewed and incorporated into the Clover Hill Drainage Study Phase II. The virtual public meeting will focus on results of the highest priority projects identified to assist in elevating flooding within the community.
Clover Hill Drainage and Capacity Study Phase II
- Dial: 1855-925-2801 (The phone line will be open a few moments prior to meeting start time)
- Enter Code: 3474
- Press: * for meeting options
- Press 1 to listen to the meeting
- Press 2 to record a comment (only those voicemails made after the start time of the meeting will be played during the meeting)
- Press 3 to be placed in a muted queue to speak during the public meeting (only those placed in the queue after the start time of the meeting will be taken during public comment)
Clover Hill Drainage & Capacity Improvemnets meeting - March 26, 2024
Clover Hill Drainage & Capacity Improvements - December 4, 2024
Clover Hill Drainage and Capacity Study Phase II
- Dial: 1855-925-2801 (The phone line will be open a few moments prior to meeting start time)
- Enter Code: 3474
- Press: * for meeting options
- Press 1 to listen to the meeting
- Press 2 to record a comment (only those voicemails made after the start time of the meeting will be played during the meeting)
- Press 3 to be placed in a muted queue to speak during the public meeting (only those placed in the queue after the start time of the meeting will be taken during public comment)