This is the central question posed by St. Lucie County and its consultants as we embark on the update of the Port of Fort Pierce Master Plan. Join us in this important conversation about the future of your Port! 



Thank you to the 250 participants taking part in our 3 virtual webcasts between July 1 and 2!  If you were not able to participate, each webcast was recorded and available for viewing at the end of this webpage.  The base content and presentation was the same for each meeting; audience comments varied.

There are several other ways to take part and stay involved in this important planning effort - all are provided below!  Sign up for all project news and announcements.  Take our survey on community priorities for the Port.  Review project presentations and materials in our downloads section.  Return to this website for the latest information and news.



If you have any questions or comments that you would like addressed by St. Lucie County, please email Kori Benton:


The Port of Fort Pierce is one of Florida’s 15 deepwater seaports. Initially created as a maritime freight and logistics center for the movement of agricultural products and other cargos from the Treasure Coast, today’s Port of Fort Pierce functions as a hybrid of working waterfront elements and community infrastructure. It is unlike most of the more traditional cargo and cruise dominant seaports in Florida.

Every five years, Florida Seaports are required to update their long-range master plan to identify, guide, and coordinate port development and ensure alignment with local comprehensive planning. This master plan update—along with ongoing investment in the new Derecktor Shipyard—marks an important milestone for the Port and its working waterfront. The Port of Fort Pierce is poised for a renaissance that holds potential to grow new economic and other beneficial impacts for the residents of St. Lucie County and the surrounding region. Charting a roadmap forward for the Port to achieve these ends is critical.

The Plan update commenced in May and will continue throughout the summer, with draft and final plans readied in September. The effort includes two public engagement opportunities, the first of which starts June 25 and lasts through July 12. Through the project website, community members can learn more about the project, participate in a short survey on community priorities, and sign-up for project email blasts. Due to health and safety issues arising from COVID-19, in-person community meetups have been replaced with online livestreaming events.

 This image shows the regional context of the Port of Fort Pierce with north orientation. The view extent is from Riverside Marina in the top left, Fort Pierce City Marina in the bottom left, Causeway Island in the lower right, and Fort Pierce Inlet State Park in the top right. Indian River, Fort Pierce Inlet, and Jennings Cove are also called out. The Port Planning Area is demarcated by a dashed navy-blue outline and is approximately 1,546 acres. The Port Operations Area is approximately 258 acres and is represented by an orange boundary. The Port Study Area is approximately 256 acres and is denoted by a red outline with a semitransparent fill.  Moving chronologically through the regional context map, 1. Fort Pierce City Marina, is located in the lower left. 2. Causeway Cove and 3. Museum Point Park are both located on Causeway Island, with Causeway Cove to the south of Seaway Drive, and Museum Point Park to the north of Seaway Drive. 4. Fisherman’s Wharf is located within the Port Operations Area and is south of the Project Study Area. 5. Harbor Pointe Park is located in the northeastern corner of the Project Study Area. 6. Safe Harbor Harbortown is located northwest of Harbor Pointe Park, south of North Causeway and within the Port Operations Area.

This image shows the legend that accompanies the regional context map. In bold capitalized letters is “KEY FEATURES”. The legend is as follows: Port Planning Area ( /- 1,545 acres) is represented as a navy-blue dashed box.  The Project Operations Area ( /- 360 acres) is represented as an orange solid boundary box.  The Project Study Area ( /- 255 acres) is represented as a red solid box with a semi-transparent red infill. Fort Pierce Inlet Navigation Channel is denoted by a solid white line. 1.	Fort Pierce City Marina 2.	Causeway Cove 3.	Museum Point Park 4.	Fisherman’s Wharf 5.	Derecktor Shipyard 6.	Harbor Pointe Park 7.	Safe Harbor Harbortown 8.	Riverside Marina

This image shows the Derektor Shipyard from the perspective of the water looking back over the project site. The port is flanked by two mega yachts and existing infrastructure surrounding the port.


Question title



Question title

Please review each statement and indicate your degree of agreement--strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. Your answers help us understand your point of view and priorities as it relates to community-wide investment.

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Question title

Over the next 20 years, the Port can host a variety of businesses and users working to bring economic and social benefit to Fort Pierce and St. Lucie County. What types of businesses and uses should the Port seek to attract? Please review each use and indicate your degree of agreement--strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, and strongly agree. Your answers will help us develop concepts for your review later this month.

Loading question...

Question title

3. What uses are missing from the uses list (above) that would add value to the Port of Fort Pierce?

Closed for Comments

Question title

4. Can the Port become an improved strategic economic community asset supporting commerce and jobs? (select one)

I don't know
Closed to responses | 169 Responses

Question title

5. Can the Port function in an improved role, helping better Downtown, the waterfront, and surrounding communities? (select one)

I don't know
Closed to responses | 168 Responses

Question title

6. Which statement best describes your experience with the Port of Fort Pierce? (select one)

I use businesses, restaurants, marinas, and other spaces at or near the Port.
I live near the Port.
I work at or have a business reliant on the Port.
I do not experience the Port in any aspect of my day-to-day activities.
I sometimes see the Port from the bridge or bayfront.
I sometimes read about the Port's activities in the media.
Closed to responses | 167 Responses

Question title

7. What is your age? (select one)

56 to 69
70 or older
40 to 55
18 to 39
17 and under
Closed to responses | 166 Responses

Question title

8. How many people reside in your household? (select one)

0 to 2
3 to 4
5 to 6
7 or more
Closed to responses | 164 Responses

Question title

9. Where do you live? (select one)

East Ft. Pierce and the Beaches (Zip Codes 34949, 34957)
South Ft. Pierce (Zip Code 34982)
Port St. Lucie (Zip Codes 34952, 34983, 34984, 34986, 34953, 34990, 34987, and 34972)
Indian River County
St. Lucie Village and Northern St. Lucie County (Zip Codes 34946, 34951)
Other not listed
Downtown Ft. Pierce (Zip Code 34950)
Martin County
West Ft. Pierce (Zip Codes 34947, 34981, and 34945)
Closed to responses | 167 Responses

Question title

10. What other thoughts and ideas can you share with the port planning team to help guide this important process?

Closed for Comments

This image is the poster announcement for the first public work session. On the poster, the background image shows an image of the Port of Fort Pierce. It is overlaid with orange and navy-blue diagonal graphics that provide the background for the text to follow., the project website, is stated in the top left corner of the poster graphic. To the right, in large bold capitalized letters, states “SHAPE THE FUTURE OF THE PORT OF FORT PIERCE.” In a slightly smaller font, it states “BE PART OF THE MASTER PLANNING PROCESS AND LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!”. In the bottom of the image, against an orange background, the following text is stated. 3 WAYS TO GET INVOLVED! 1.	TAKE THE SURVEY  Take a simple survey to record your preferences., or Scan QR code with camera app, or Text* SURVEY to 855-925-2801. *Local charges from your phone carrier may apply. 2.	JOIN OUR VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGS Three webcasts, three opportunities. Visit for web cast links. Wednesday, July 1, 3:00 to 5:00 PM Wednesday, July 1, 6:30 to 8:30 PM Thursday, July 2, 9:00 to 11:00 AM  3.	DROP-IN POSTER GALLERY View a summary of project issues and opportunities and take the survey (hard copy survey available at venue).**   Visit Treasure Coast International Airport and Business Park (3000 Curtis King Blvd., gallery  location is inside main terminal door)  from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.    Gallery opens on Monday, June 29th and closes Friday, July 10th. It will be closed Saturday, July 4th.  **Posters will also be available online.  Sponsored by St. Lucie County, Atkins and Moffatt & Nichol


Prefer tactile posters and printed surveys?  Then our drop-in poster gallery summarizing the project is perfect for you.  Our poster series summarizes the overall purpose of the plan, the planning process and its respective milestones, key issues and opportunities, and other data.  There will be hard copies of the online survey available for completion and deposit in a review box, with these surveys manually entered into the database and added to all online public feedback.

The gallery is just inside the door of the main terminal at the Treasure Coast International Airport and Business Park located at 3000 Curtis King Blvd. Parking is free and plentiful!  Call (772) 462-6766 for more information and directions.  Hours of operation are 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.  The exhibit will be open for viewing until July 10.  It will be closed Saturday, July 4th. Posters will be made available through our download link at the end of this webpage.  


The Plan process commenced in May of this year and will continue throughout the summer, with draft and final plans readied in September.  The effort includes two public engagement opportunities, the first of which lasts through July 12.  A second public outreach period will occur from July 22 to August 9.  During this second effort, the consultant team will share Port planning concepts and ideas and seek communty direction as to a preferred direction forward.    

Through the project website, community members can learn more about the project, participate in a short survey on community priorities, and sign-up for project email blasts. Due to health and safety issues arising from COVID-19, in-person community meetups have been replaced with online livestreaming events. 

This image indicates the overall timeline for the project schedule, as represented by a series of bars indicating time periods and a series of orange circles indicating when work sessions occur in the project schedule. The Port of Fort Pierce Master Plan and Reinvestment Strategy will begin in late April and end in late September. The project is broken down into 4 stages, as described below. Stage 1 is Project Kick-Off Work Session held on April 30 to May 1. Stage 1 will run from late April to early June. Stage 2 is Priorities, Program and Framework, and will run from early June to early July. Public Work Session One will consist of a public engagement period and survey running from June 24 to July 12. Live, virtual meetings will occur on July 1 and 2. Stage 3 is Initial Port and Waterfront Concepts and will run from early July to early August. Public Work Session Two will consist of a public engagement period and survey running from July 22 to August 9. Live, virtual meetings will occur on July 29 and 30. Refined Ideas and Concepts will occur during the beginning of August. Stage 4 is Master Plan and Reinvestment Strategy and will run from early August until September 25. A final presentation to County will occur on September 25.


Please find below links to master plan posters, presentation, and webcasts.  We will continue to add to this archive as materials are prepared, refined, and released.  

The following poster is the first in a six poster series. The text is split in 3 columns with a larger header at the top. The graphic is a navy blue background with a light blue triangle shape in the upper left corner and an orange triangle shape in the lower right is located in the top left. St. Lucie County, Atkins and Moffatt & Nichol logo are placed in the lower left corner. The text reads as follows: For the header: Port of Fort Pierce Master Plan: 2020 Update How should the port evolve to embrace community economic and social opportunities?  This is the central question posed by St. Lucie County and its consultants as we embark on the update of the Port of Fort Pierce Master Plan. Join us in this important conversation about the future of your Port!  Starting in the first column, Project Overview The Port of Fort Pierce is one of Florida’s 14 deepwater seaports. Initially created as a maritime freight and logistics center for the movement of agricultural products and other cargos from the Treasure Coast, today’s Port of Fort Pierce functions as a hybrid of working waterfront elements and community infrastructure. It is unlike most of the more traditional cargo and cruise dominant seaports in Florida. Every five years, Florida Seaports are required to update their long-range master plan to identify, guide, and coordinate port development and ensure alignment with local comprehensive planning. This master plan update—along with ongoing investment in the new Derecktor Shipyard—marks an important milestone for the Port and its working waterfront. The Port of Fort Pierce is poised for a renaissance that holds potential to grow new economic and other beneficial impacts for the residents of St. Lucie County and the surrounding region. Charting a roadmap forward for the Port to achieve these ends is critical. An image of the port is displayed at the bottom of column one. Two images of the port, primarily Derecktor Shipyard, begin the second column. Text for the second column is as follows: The Planning Team and Schedule The Port of Fort Pierce Master Plan is an initiative sponsored by St. Lucie County.  The County has retained the maritime and community planning expertise of Atkins and Moffatt & Nichol to lead the effort.   The Plan update commenced in May and will continue throughout the summer, with draft and final plans readied in September. The effort includes two public engagement opportunities, the first of which starts June 25 and lasts through July 12. Through the project website——community members can learn more about the project, participate in a short survey on community priorities, and sign-up for project email blasts. Due to health and safety issues arising from COVID-19, in-person community meetups have been replaced with online livestreaming events. The third column states Work Session Objective Your involvement is critical to the success of this planning effort.  The purpose of this first (of two) public outreach sessions is to learn from citizens their priorities for the Port.  This poster series walks you through the overall project area and some key initial observations.   We encourage you to complete our project survey to memorialize your thoughts and feedback.  The survey is available on the project website——and can be completed using your smartphone.  We also have printed survey forms to record your responses.  Please complete only one survey per person and leave in the box at the end of the poster series.  Our planning team will manually input your responses and add them to all the feedback being collected.

The following poster is the second in a six poster series. The text is split in 3 columns with a larger header at the top. The graphic is a navy blue background with a light blue triangle shape in the upper left corner and an orange triangle shape in the lower right is located in the top left. St. Lucie County, Atkins and Moffatt & Nichol logo are placed in the lower left corner. The text reads as follows: The Port of Fort Pierce Today The Port of Fort Pierce Project Study Area consists of approximately 256 acres and is the primary zone area of study under the Master Plan Update (Red Area).  The Project Study Area includes the new Derecktor Shipyard, vacant properties in the center of the project area, and marina facilities in and around Taylor Creek.   The Port Operations Area includes parcels immediately surrounding the Project Study Area (Orange Line).  Properties in this area will be reviewed to ensure alignment with elements considered for the Project Study Area.  The Port Planning Area comprises submerged and upland areas extending from Fort Pierce Inlet, the Fort Pierce Harbor Cut (Main Channel), and the Port (Blue Dashed Line).  Similar to the Port Operations Area, properties and features in this zone will be reviewed to ensure alignment with elements considered for the Project Study Area.      Below this header text, the project context map is presented. This image shows the regional context of the Port of Fort Pierce with north orientation. The view extent is from Riverside Marina in the top left, Fort Pierce City Marina in the bottom left, Causeway Island in the lower right, and Fort Pierce Inlet State Park in the top right. Indian River, Fort Pierce Inlet, and Jennings Cove are also called out. The Port Planning Area is demarcated by a dashed navy-blue outline and is approximately 1,546 acres. The Port Operations Area is approximately 258 acres and is represented by an orange boundary. The Port Study Area is approximately 256 acres and is denoted by a red outline with a semitransparent fill.  Moving chronologically through the regional context map, 1. Fort Pierce City Marina, is located in the lower left. 2. Causeway Cove and 3. Museum Point Park are both located on Causeway Island, with Causeway Cove to the south of Seaway Drive, and Museum Point Park to the north of Seaway Drive. 4. Fisherman’s Wharf is located within the Port Operations Area and is south of the Project Study Area. 5. Harbor Pointe Park is located in the northeastern corner of the Project Study Area. 6. Safe Harbor Harbortown is located northwest of Harbor Pointe Park, south of North Causeway and within the Port Operations Area.  The legend is as follows: Port Planning Area ( /- 1,545 acres) is represented as a navy-blue dashed box.  The Project Operations Area ( /- 360 acres) is represented as an orange solid boundary box.  The Project Study Area ( /- 255 acres) is represented as a red solid box with a semi-transparent red infill. Fort Pierce Inlet Navigation Channel is denoted by a solid white line. Intracoastal Waterway is denoted by a dashed white line. 1.	Fort Pierce City Marina 2.	Causeway Cove 3.	Museum Point Park 4.	Fisherman’s Wharf 5.	Derecktor Shipyard 6.	Harbor Pointe Park 7.	Safe Harbor Harbortown

The following poster is the third in a six poster series. The text is split in 3 columns with a larger header at the top. The graphic is a navy blue background with a light blue triangle shape in the upper left corner and an orange triangle shape in the lower right is located in the top left. St. Lucie County, Atkins and Moffatt & Nichol logo are placed in the lower left corner. The text reads as follows: The Port and Project Site Today The Port is comprised of a variety of public and private land ownership parcels. This compilation presents a challenge as The Port of Fort Pierce works towards a cohesive Master Plan. Below are two diagrams of the project site, both represented in an axon view. The top image is the view from the landside, the lower image is the view from the water. Parcel A is denoted by an orange boundary and semi-transparent orange fill. Parcels B, C, D, and E are denoted by a red boundary and semi-transparent red fill. Parcel F is the center of the site, denoted by a lime green callout. Old Dixie Highway and North US Hwy 1 (marked by an orange line), and Florida East Coast Railway (marked by a blue line) are called out on both maps. In the lower portion of the poster, the following key features are called out. These key features correlate to the map exhibits above: A.	FISHERMAN’S WHARF Located at the southern end of the Port, Fisherman’s Wharf is planned as a vibrant boating, food & beverage, and recreational space linking the working port area and historic downtown Fort Pierce. B.	DERECKTOR SHIPYARD An ongoing investment area that will host America’s first repair and refit yard designed to welcome the industry’s largest megayachts. C.	HARBOR POINTE PARK  /- 20 acres of County owned parkland located at the southeastern end of Taylor Creek.   D.	TAYLOR CREEK MARINA Taylor Creek Marina features high-dry (rack) boat storage.  Cracker Boy Marina provides upland boat services and working areas.      E.	SAFE HARBOR HARBORTOWN Extensive marina complex hosting in-water and upland boat storage along with servicing facilities.      F.	UNDERUTILIZED & VACANT PROPERTY The key to the Port’s long-term success is finding the right use mix and approach to engage the center of the project study area.

The following poster is the fourth in a six poster series. The text is split in 3 columns with a larger header at the top. The graphic is a navy blue background with a light blue triangle shape in the upper left corner and an orange triangle shape in the lower right is located in the top left. St. Lucie County, Atkins and Moffatt & Nichol logo are placed in the lower left corner. The text reads as follows: Issues and Opportunities This poster shows 3 diagrams on the left side with accompanying text on the right. THREE OPPORTUNITY ZONES The diagram for three opportunity zones shows the project site as a series of zones – “north” is represented by a light blue boundary and semi transparent infill; “central” is represented by a blue boundary and semi transparent infill, and “south” is represented by a dark blue boundary and semi transparent infill. Major roads connecting into the site are represented by orange arrows. The Port’s orientation and existing use patterns establish three clear opportunity zones within with the Project Study Area.  The southern zone is dominated by Derecktor Shipyard and other marine shipping and related uses taking advantage of existing piers and wharfs.  The central zone sets itself up for development by single or multiple commercial anchors benefiting from future marine infrastructure and/or proximity to uses north and south.  The northern zone is dominated by marina interests (Safe Harbor, Taylor Creek, Cracker Boy) and parkland.   Each of these areas is reliant on access from North 2nd Street and a potential future series of improved corridors running into each zone.   A COMPELLING FUTURE FOR THE CENTER The diagram associated with “A compelling future for the center” shows a lime green boundary line with a semi-transparent infill.  /- 76 acre is text to call out the label. Over the next few years, Derecktor Shipyard, Fisherman’s Wharf, and other finer grain development in the southern portion of the Project Study Area will make important economic and social contributions to the Port and area overall.   The key to the Port’s long term success is finding the right use mix and approach to engage the center of the area.  This  /- 76 acre area—approximately 5 times the size of the current Derecktor operation—could be a significant incubator of marine-related jobs, commerce, and other benefits.   PUBLIC VS. PRIVATE The diagram associated with “public vs. private” shows a series of areas on the site that are designated public property (a light orange boundary with semi-transparent infill) and private property (a dark blue boundary with semi-transparent infill). With a majority of the Port Study Area land privately owned, the plan needs to showcase use opportunities for these parcels and find approaches that will help guide a positive development outcome.  One way the Master Plan can help is through identification of site serving infrastructure that would increase the development readiness of privately held parcels.

The following poster is the fifth in a six poster series. The text is split in 3 columns with a larger header at the top. The graphic is a navy blue background with a light blue triangle shape in the upper left corner and an orange triangle shape in the lower right is located in the top left. St. Lucie County, Atkins and Moffatt & Nichol logo are placed in the lower left corner. The text reads as follows: Issues and Opportunities This poster shows 3 diagrams on the left side with accompanying text on the right. Minimal Active Marine Edges The graphic associated with “Minima; Active Marine Edges” has a series of orange lines, to the north, to denote the Taylor Creek Marine Facilities, with dashed orange lines to represent potential future expansion. To the south of the graphic, primary marina edge is denoted by a blue solid line, with a dashed blue line for potential future expansion moving along the project boundary heading north. Only limited stretches of the Project Study Area have active marine edges.  In the south, primary edges totaling  /- 3,100 linear feet are already in use by Derecktor, Beyel Brothers, the planned Fisherman’s Wharf, and the existing boat ramp.  An additional  /- 2,300 feet may be possible alongside the existing channel and turning basin, but significant capital investment and permitting would be needed.   Marina facilities along Taylor Creek may also be considered available for expansion along the Harbor Pointe waterfront.    FEC Railway’s Impact on Development The graphic associated with the railway’s impact on development shows various intersection points with the site. 3 zones are called out as roadways traverse the railway. The FEC right-of-way (ROW) limits the number of crossings to/from Port lands.  It also focuses development to face internally to the Port vs. offering access and activity along US1 and Old Dixie Highway. Permeability is greatest in the southern portion of the Port Operations and Project Study Area, allowing for the greatest opportunity to create spaces for linkage and interaction with Fort Pierce proper, especially at Fisherman’s Wharf.    PUBLIC SPACE The diagram associated with public space has a lime green circle around “Harbor Pointe Park” with an arrow pointing towards it from Fisherman’s Wharf, which is represented by a lime green smaller circle with a semi-transparent infill. Lincoln Park Community and Downtown have arrows that feed off Fisherman’s Wharf. Fisherman’s Wharf has great potential to be the northern anchor of the City of Fort Pierce’s growing waterfront offer, linking to City Marina, cultural, and other Downtown uses.  This zone also provides an important new waterfront access point for the Lincoln Park Community.     Harbor Pointe Park is more challenging.  Surrounded by light industrial uses and generally accessible only by car, this zone requires strengthened linkages and greater visibility to be a safe, inviting contributor to the overall network of public spaces.  Activation and/or integration with surrounding uses needs to be explored if this area is to contribute to the sites overall success.

The following poster is the sixth in a six poster series. The text is split in 3 columns with a larger header at the top. The graphic is a navy blue background with a light blue triangle shape in the upper left corner and an orange triangle shape in the lower right is located in the top left. St. Lucie County, Atkins and Moffatt & Nichol logo are placed in the lower left corner. The text reads as follows: The Schedule Ahead The Plan process commenced in May of this year and will continue throughout the summer, with draft and final plans readied in September.  The effort includes two public engagement opportunities, the first of which lasts through July 12.  A second public outreach period will occur from July 22 to August 9.  During this second effort, the consultant team will share Port planning concepts and ideas and seek community direction as to a preferred direction forward.  Port planning concepts and ideas and seek community direction as to a preferred direction forward.     Through the project website, community members can learn more about the project, participate in a short survey on community priorities, and sign-up for project email blasts. Due to health and safety issues arising from COVID-19, in-person community meetups have been replaced with online livestreaming events. This image indicates the overall timeline for the project schedule, as represented by a series of bars indicating time periods and a series of orange circles indicating when work sessions occur in the project schedule. The Port of Fort Pierce Master Plan and Reinvestment Strategy will begin in late April and end in late September. The project is broken down into 4 stages, as described below. Stage 1 is Project Kick-Off Work Session held on April 30 to May 1. Stage 1 will run from late April to early June. Stage 2 is Priorities, Program and Framework, and will run from early June to early July. Public Work Session One will consist of a public engagement period and survey running from June 24 to July 12. Live, virtual meetings will occur on July 1 and 2. Stage 3 is Initial Port and Waterfront Concepts and will run from early July to early August. Public Work Session Two will consist of a public engagement period and survey running from July 22 to August 9. Live, virtual meetings will occur on July 29 and 30. Refined Ideas and Concepts will occur during the beginning of August. Stage 4 is Master Plan and Reinvestment Strategy and will run from early August until September 25. A final presentation to County will occur on September 25. In the bottom of the image, against an white background, the following text is stated. 3 WAYS TO GET INVOLVED! 1.	TAKE THE SURVEY  Take a simple survey to record your preferences., or Scan QR code with camera app, or Text* SURVEY to 855-925-2801. *Local charges from your phone carrier may apply. 2.	JOIN OUR VIRTUAL PUBLIC MEETINGS Three webcasts, three opportunities. Visit for web cast links. Wednesday, July 1, 3:00 to 5:00 PM Wednesday, July 1, 6:30 to 8:30 PM Thursday, July 2, 9:00 to 11:00 AM  3.	DROP-IN POSTER GALLERY View a summary of project issues and opportunities and take the survey (hard copy survey available at venue).**   Visit Treasure Coast International Airport and Business Park (3000 Curtis King Blvd., gallery  location is inside main terminal door)  from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.    Gallery opens on Monday, June 29th and closes Friday, July 10th. It will be closed Saturday, July 4th.  **Posters will also be available online.  Sponsored by St. Lucie County, Atkins and Moffatt & Nichol


The COVID-19 Pandemic prevented us from holding in-person meetings and open house sessions.  Instead, the consultant team held 3 web-based livestreaming events to allow you to learn more about the project, exchange ideas, and ask questions.  These webcasts were held on the following dates / times:

  • Session 1  July 1st from 3:00 to 5:00 PM
  • Session 2 – July 1st from 6:30 to 8:30 PM
  • Session 3 – July 2nd from 9:00 to 11:00 AM

Each webcast included the same general content and was recorded for sharing/viewing below.