Apex Parks Plan Update - Public Open House

Wednesday, June 22nd | 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Apex Senior Center |
63 Hunter Street, Apex

This Public Open House will feature a presentation of results from all public engagement to date, including the statistically-valid survey, public input survey, and all assessments completed by staff and the consultant. Community members will also have opportunities to provide further input about the next steps of the plan, visioning, and more to guide the final recommendation of the Apex Parks Plan Update. 

Can’t attend but still want to share your thoughts on the future of Apex parks, recreation, greenways, and open space? Email ApexParksPlan@apexnc.org

Apex Parks Plan Update - Input Survey

The Apex Parks Plan Update - Input Survey asked for input on Kidstowne 2.0, future park amenities, desired greenways, and key theme offerings. This survey closed on June 5, 2022.

Parks Plan Update Survey

The Parks Plan Update Survey was open to the public in fall of 2021.

Community Feedback Event at West Street Park

April 3, 2022 | Drop-In 2:00 - 4:00 pm

Members of the community joined Apex Parks staff and the McAdams consulting team at West Street Park to participate in the park planning process and share their ideas for the future of the park.

Interjurisdiction Greenway Meeting

Held Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Attendees: Wake County, Chatham County, Town of Cary, and Town of Holly Springs

Meeting included a group discussion on using bike/pedestrian greenways to create connections between communities to facilitate larger links between points of interest like the Tobacco Trail, downtown areas, and more.

Greenway Inventory and Analysis Tour

March 3, 2022

McAdams consulting team walked all greenways within the Town of Apex and documented existing conditions and noted gaps in the greenway network.

Existing Park Systems Assessment

Report of Assessment Completed March 2022

The report provides an assessment of the entire Apex Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources system including facilities, parks, amenities offered, current conditions, and how offerings compare to National standards. It also offers recommendations on what the system could become including opportunities to expand or enhance facilities. The report also identified needs to provide additional accessibility and inclusive amenities.

Community Member Focus Groups

January 31, 2022 and February 1, 2022

Focus Groups from active members of recreation and cultural offerings met to discuss needs and opportunities from the following categories:

  • Cultural Arts and Special Events
  • Recreation Programs (non-athletics)
  • Seniors and Specialized Recreation
  • Athletic Programs

Asset Mapping Workshop with Town Council

Held on October 12, 2021

McAdams (plan consultant) facilitated a workshop to gather input from Apex Town Council members on their prioritization of the principles that guide the formation of the Parks Plan Update.

Project Kick-off: Virtual Open House

Click here to view the Public Meeting held on October 7, 2021 from 6 - 8 pm.