Short Term Rentals (TC-8-20)
Short Term Rentals (TC-8-20)
This text change has been closed in the portal.
For updates on the text change process please visit the City of Raleigh text change web page.
This text change will repeal the current homestay regulations of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and replace them with new regulations for short term rentals. A short term rental is a type of overnight lodging, and will be allowed in certain zoning districts that permit residential uses.
>> Read the Short Term Rental Ordinance (TC-8-20)
Background Information:
A short term rental is intended to provide overnight lodging accommodations to renters for no longer than 30 days. They allow a portion or the entire dwelling or accessory structure to be used for lodging.
The current regulations for homestays, while allowing renters for no longer than 30 days, limits the number of rooms for rental to no more than two. The regulations limit the number of renters to two adults and their minor children and requires that the dwelling be owner-occupied.
Current Rules:
1. The dwelling unit must be occupied by the resident.
2. Two guest rooms for overnight lodging accommodations are permitted for transients for no longer than 30 days for compensation and where the use is subordinate to and incidental to the main residential use of the building.
3. Rentals of an entire dwelling unit for less than 30 days are considered Overnight Lodging and are permitted as set forth in Sec. 6.1.4. of the UDO.
4. The homestay operator is required to have a homestay zoning permit that must be renewed annually. Proof of a Wake County tax account number is required.
5. Mailed notification must be provided to all property owners within 100 feet of the subject property.
6. A full-time resident homestay operator who is lives at the property must be present for the entire time that a homestay lodger is staying at the property.
7. In a Residential zoning district, the maximum number of overnight guests shall not exceed two adults and their minor children.
8. Cooking facilities are not permitted in any homestay bedroom or any exclusive homestay area.
9. No exterior advertising is allowed.
10. In residential zoning districts, homestay lodgers cannot be used for holding special events or gatherings.
11. The premise cannot be used for “Live-Work”, an “Accessory Dwelling Unit” or a “Day Care, Home”.
12. Homestay operators must comply with all applicable State and local laws.
13. Homestay operators must maintain for a period of three (3) years a list of all homestay lodgers staying at the residence.
Proposed Text Change:
1. Every short-term rental operator must obtain a zoning permit from the City that must be renewed annually.
2. Cooking facilities are not permitted in any bedroom.
3. No exterior advertising is allowed.
4. In residential zoning districts, short term renters cannot utilize the premises for holding special events or gatherings.
5. For single-unit and two-unit living the premise cannot be used for “Live-Work” or a “Day Care, Home”. For multi-unit living the dwelling unit shall not be used for “Live-Work” or a “Day Care, Home”.
6. Short term rental operators must comply with all applicable State and local laws.
7. Every short-term rental operator must maintain for a period of three (3) years a list of all short term rental lodgers staying on the premises.