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map of Holloway Street showing bus stop locations

Holloway Street TEC Study Area and Village Transit Center

The Holloway Street TEC will recommend ways to make it easier to get to the bus stop, help riders feel more comfortable and secure waiting for the bus, recommend improvements that will help speed up GoDurham Route 3 and improve travel time for an on-time arrival at destinations.

Holloway Transit Corridor
The Durham County Transit Plan includes funding for bus and pedestrian improvements within designated Transit Emphasis Corridors. The Holloway Street Transit Corridor has the highest ridership in the GoDurham system and now provides 15-minute service. This project will identify and design bus stops, improvements for pedestrians, and bus priority improvements that are needed to support the high ridership and high frequency service on Route 3.

Village Transit Center
The City intends to upgrade the bus stops at The Village to a more comfortable and convenient transit center for bus riders. The Route 3 bus stops at The Village on Raynor Street see higher boarding and alighting counts than all other stops in the GoDurham system, excluding Durham Station. This high-use bus stop needs additional shelter, real-time bus information, and other amenities. The Village Transit Center Plan will consider the redesign of this stop, including lighting, landscaping and shelter designs that create inviting public spaces and at The Village.