City Council Meeting January 25, 2022
City Council Meeting January 25, 2022
Welcome to the January 25, 2022 Asheville City Council Virtual Meeting.
Link to Council Agenda web page
Pre-Meeting Public Comment
Persons wishing to speak during the meeting must sign up in advance using an online form found at or by calling the City Clerk's Office at 828-259-5900 no later than 9 a.m. Tuesday, January 25.
UPDATE: Click here for January 25, 2022 speaker order
Pre-Meeting Voicemail Comments
All voicemail public comments must be received by 9 a.m. January 25 by calling the city's toll-free Public Input line at 855-925-2801, meeting code 5288. Before commenting , please state your name, city of residence, and the item on which you are commenting (examples: Consent Agenda Item A, Public Hearing Item B, Open Public Comment).
Voicemail comments will be limited to three minutes per person per item. All voicemail comments must conform to City Council rules of Decorum found at this link. Those voicemail comments that do not may be excluded. City Council will receive the transcribed voicemail comments and the comments will be posted, but they will not be heard during the Council Meeting.
Pre-Meeting Written Comments
Comments can also be submitted by email at this address:
*If your email message includes an attachment, please send to this address: and also copy
How to follow the Live meeting
- Call toll free to listen to the meeting on your phone: 855-925-2801, meeting code 5288. Your phone will be muted but you will be able to hear what is happening in the meeting.
- Watch the live stream at the bottom of this page.
- In addition to the livestream on this page, a live stream is also available on the City's YouTube channel at youtube/cityofasheville.
- You may also watch on Charter/Spectrum Cable channel 193 and on AT&T U-Verse channel 99.
Comment During the Live Meeting
Because the upcoming City Council meeting will be a remote participation meeting, and to allow staff time to assist community members in preparing for such a meeting format, persons wishing to speak during the meeting must sign up in advance using an online form at or by calling the Clerk’s office at 828-259-5900, no later than 9 a.m. on Tuesday January 25, to add their names to the list of speakers.
Important Information Regarding Speaker Sign-Up
- In order to be added to the list of speakers, an individual must provide his/her name, area of residence, phone number the caller will use to listen to the live meeting and join the speaker queue, the item the individual is commenting on (Examples: Consent Agenda C, Public Hearing A, Open Public Comment), and an alternative form of contact (for example: text number, email address or a different phone line if a landline will be used to call into the meeting).
- City staff will use the “phone number the caller will use to listen to the live meeting and join the speaker queue” to manage the speaker queue.
- The “alternative form of contact” in the sign-up form will be used to provide technical assistance during the meeting if needed.
- Directions will be emailed once a person signs up through the online form or by calling the City Clerk's Office (see above). Each speaker will need to listen to the meeting through the live phone application by calling 855-925-2801, meeting code: 5288. Callers who have signed up to speak should press “*” and then “3” to join the speaker queue during the meeting. This can be done as soon as you call in and must be done at the beginning of the agenda item you are commenting on to ensure a smooth public comment session.
- Each speaker is allotted three minutes to speak for up to one hour for each agenda item. The Mayor or presiding officer may, at his/her discretion, increase or decrease this time allocation depending on the number of speakers.
- A speaker may speak only if they have signed up to speak in accordance with these procedures. All speaker names will be displayed when speaking.
- In order for speakers to know where they fall in the caller queue, the speaker list (name only) will be posted in the documents section on this page by noon on January 25.
- The Clerk will deliver the list of those persons who signed up to speak to the Mayor or presiding officer before the beginning of the meeting. The speakers will be called upon in the order the requests were received by the Clerk.
Presentations at the Meeting
For those wishing to make a slide or PowerPoint presentation at a formal meeting of City Council, the presentation must be submitted to Maggie Burleson at by Noon the day before the formal meeting. Just a reminder that for remote meetings, individuals cannot yield their time to another, so all individuals will be allotted 3 minutes to speak.
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