The Envision My Ride: Bus Priority Study will help CATS improve our bus network by identifying how we can roll out bus priority treatments that:

  • Make your bus trip faster, more reliable, and more enjoyable

  • Help you make connections to other transit lines, bikeshare, park & rides, and other mobility options

CATS wants your feedback to help us determine the types of bus priority treatments we should invest in.

Please complete our survey by Friday, June 25, 2021 to share your thoughts. For a chance to win one of ten $25 Visa gift cards, complete the survey and provide your email or phone number on the last page. Your contact information will be separated from your survey responses to maintain anonymity.

Question title

What is your home zip code?

Closed to responses

Question title

Before the pandemic, how often did you ride CATS' bus and/or rail services?

Three or more times a week
Once or twice a week
A few times a month
Closed to responses