A monthly digest of news, events, and other updates from The Peak of Good Living!
July 2022
Upcoming Events & Festivals
Other Dates to Note
Saturdays in July and August - Apex Farmers Market
July 4 - Holiday, Town Offices Closed
July 14 - Apex Night Market
July 26 - Apex Town Council regular meeting
Graphic: YouTube Video Link
Annual Operating Budget Adopted for Fiscal Year 2022-23
The annual operating budget gives Apex town officials the authority to collect revenue and make expenditures, depending on the priorities of the council, community, and staff.
In preparing the FY22-23 budget, town staff followed guidance from Town Council’s strategic goals to develop a proactive budget that will balance improving current town programs and services with development of new programs and projects.
Find the full budget document and learn more about major projects to be accomplished in the upcoming year at www.apexnc.org/budget
Graphic: Budget Highlights
Solid Waste Collection Schedule for Week of July 4th
Trash and recycling collection will be delayed by one day for all routes during the week of July 4th – 8th (Friday's route will be collected Saturday). Yard Waste collection will run Tuesday - Friday, with as many homes as possible being collected during those four days. We appreciate your patience as crews work on this condensed schedule.
Remember! You can receive push notifications when collection schedules change due to holidays or inclement weather via the 'Apex Collects' mobile or web app!
Play in the Peak During National Parks and Recreation Month
July is National Parks and Recreation month! The theme for 2022 is "We Rise Up for Parks and Recreation", which highlights how our communities are stronger, more vibrant and more resilient because of parks and recreation. We Rise Up for inclusion, resilience, physical health, mental well-being, access to play, and our community as a whole.
For three days we will be popping up at three different Apex park locations to bring recreation opportunities directly to you. Come out and join us for an evening of larger than life games, activities, giant bubbles and more at our three pop-up celebrations!
- July 12 – Kelly Road Park (1609 Kelly Road)
- July 13 – West Street Park (108 West Street)
- July 14 – Salem Pond Park (6112 Old Jenks Road)
Graphic: Parks and Recreation Month Banner
LaunchAPEX Application Period Now Open
Now in its 5th year, LaunchAPEX is a ten-week program that provides comprehensive business training, connection to financial resources, carefully paired mentoring, and opportunities for networking with other entrepreneurs.
Graduates of the program have gone on to launch successful businesses in retail, design, health care, food service, educational services, branding and marketing, photography, entertainment, and more!
Learn more and apply at https://www.launchapex.org
Graphic: YouTube Video Link
All Way Stop Study - Five Things to Note
Read more about this project at www.apexnc.org/AllWay
1. WHEN: The study will begin in early July (around the 7th, weather permitting), and continue for about 30 days.
2. WHY: The purpose of the study is to determine how the intersection would function with stop signs on all four corners, instead of being managed by a traffic signal.
3. WHAT TO EXPECT: During the 30-day study, the way you move through the intersection will change. Every vehicle must come to a complete stop before continuing through the intersection. Drivers must yield to pedestrians that are crossing the intersection.
4. HOW YOU CAN WEIGH IN: Once the study kicks off, we encourage you to provide feedback on how you observe the operation of this intersection both as a driver and a pedestrian. Learn more and give your feedback at the link below.
5. WHAT’S NEXT: After the study wraps up, we’ll combine data from observed behavior, results from traffic analysis software, and public input received to make decisions about the final design of the intersection.
Major Project Highlights from the Capital Improvement Plan
The town’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a multi-year plan for major expenses like acquisition of land, construction or renovation of public buildings and parks, construction of new roads and sidewalks, expansion or renovation of water, wastewater, electric, or stormwater infrastructure, and capital equipment to support operations.
The plan is reviewed and updated each year as funding, needs, and community priorities change. Projects eligible for inclusion in the CIP are those with an asset value of greater than $100,000 and a useful life of greater than three years.
Upcoming CIP projects include:
- Justice Heights Street Extension
- Regan Road Sidepath
- Safe Routes to School projects
- Wayfinding Signage Installation
- Beaver Creek Greenway Improvements
- Hunter Street Bike Track
- And more!
New! Apex Firefighters Introduce Sensory Kits
Apex firefighters have a new tool to uniquely serve and meet the needs of everyone in our community!
The Apex Fire Department recently added sensory kits to every fire truck to help provide calming tools in emergency situations. These kits aim to give people of all abilities something specific to focus on and help them manage their emotions in a stressful environment. Firefighters were also trained on when, where, and how to use these kits, specifically regarding interactions with children with special needs.
Watch along as Firefighter Strickland and Ms. Ealy talk about the sensory kits.
YouTube Link: Sensory Kit Video
Hidden Gem: Fishing at Apex Parks
Cast a line and reel it in at one of three Apex parks! Fishing is available by permit at Apex Community Park, Salem Pond Park, and Seagroves Farm Park.
Get your Fishing License
Photo: Fishing Pier at Apex Community Park
Copyright © 2022 Town of Apex, All rights reserved.
You can reach us at:
Apex Town Hall
73 Hunter Street (physical) | PO Box 250 (mailing)
Apex, NC 27502
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