Member Newsletter: June 13, 2024
- Next Board Meeting: June 20th at 5:00 p.m.
- Full Membership Meeting: June 20th at 6:00 p.m.
- New Member Orientation - July dates available!
- Funding Opportunity: Emergency Solutions Grant
- CoC Landing Page
- Member Feedback Tools
- Membership Application
- Shared Value: Focus on Housing Solutions
Board Meeting
When: June 20th, 5 - 6 p.m.
Where: Harrah's Cherokee Center - Banquet Hall (87 Haywood Street)
Parking + Transportation: Parking for this event can be validated and transportation assistance is available. Please plan to park at any of the city-owned parking garages - you will need to have a paper ticket from the garage or the ability to pay with a credit card in order to use validation. Please ask for a parking validation form at the registration table when you arrive at the meeting. If you need transportation assistance, please email homelessstrategy@ashevillenc.gov.
Membership Meeting
When: Thursday, June 20th 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Where: Harrah's Cherokee Center - Banquet Hall (87 Haywood Street)
Parking + Transportation: Parking for this event can be validated and transportation assistance is available. Please plan to park at any of the city-owned parking garages - you will need to have a paper ticket from the garage or the ability to pay with a credit card in order to use validation. Please ask for a parking validation form at the registration table when you arrive at the meeting. If you need transportation assistance, please email homelessstrategy@ashevillenc.gov.
New Members: Attend Orientation
All new CoC members are required to attend a one-hour orientation in order to be eligible to vote during meetings of the full membership. Orientations will be available on an ongoing basis and new dates will be announced as they become available. Below are the orientation dates for June:
Friday, June 21st at 1 p.m. (Virtual)
Monday, July 8th at 6 p.m. (In-Person Only)
AmeriHealth Caritas North Carolina Wellness and Opportunity Center (216 Ashland Avenue, upstairs)
Friday, July 26th at 12 p.m. (Virtual)
Emergency Solutions Grant
Part of the CoC's role is directing resources to have the greatest impact, including two annual funding opportunities from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Continuum of Care Program Competition. This year, the Asheville-Buncombe CoC is eligible for $123,887 in ESG funding to be used in calendar year 2025.
CoC Member organizations that are nonprofit organizations or local governments are eligible to apply. ESG-eligible activities are specifically Emergency Services (Street Outreach and Emergency Shelter) and Housing Stabilization Services (Homelessness Prevention, Rapid Rehousing, and HMIS).
The CoC Funding Committee will review all applications received and make recommendations to the Board for approval. Homeless Strategy Division staff will facilitate submission of the Board-approved applications.
Letters of Intent are due June 24, 2024 and applications are due July 12, 2024. Full details and deadlines are available on the Funding page managed by the Homeless Strategy Division.
Stay up to date with the work of the CoC!
The CoC has an interim landing page that will act as a centralized point for all information about the CoC. Documentation of the work of the CoC is the responsibility of the Lead Agency and therefore the landing page currently resides under the umbrella of the City of Asheville's website; as the board begins its work, they may reshape the CoC's web presence.
On this page, you'll find an overview of the CoC, meeting materials, a historical timeline, and more helpful information for both the membership and the public. All updates from the Board and CoC membership will be listed on this page as the CoC transition from the City of Asheville's Homelessness Initiative Advisory Committee (HIAC) to the new structure continues.
Stay Engaged
The Continuum of Care takes all of us! Your active participation helps the CoC grow and change in ways that will better serve our neighbors experiencing housing insecurity and the community as a whole. Use the button below to share reflections, ask questions, make suggestions, and indicate your interest in getting more involved with the work of the CoC. All information collected through this form will be channeled through the CoC Board. Lead Agency staff may also respond when appropriate.
Invite your networks to join the CoC
Do you know someone - either an individual and an organization - who has an interest in ending homelessness in our community? Invite them to become a member of the CoC! This body will only be as effective as those who are part of the membership, so we want and need all voices at the table.
Please email homelessstrategy@ashevillenc.gov if you need a paper copy of any of the above materials.
Focus on Housing Solutions
The CoC’s system partners will collaborate to maximize all of the current resources and be strategic with new resources to ensure we are bringing on more permanent housing solutions.