The following AQRs were adopted by the Clark County Board of County Commissioners on 3/19/2024 and became effective on 04/02/2024:
- Section 101 – VOC Emissions Control for Industrial Adhesive Operations
- Section 102 – Gasoline Dispensing Facilities
- Section 103 – VOC Emissions Control for Miscellaneous Metal or Plastic Parts Coating Operations
- Section 104 – VOC Emissions Control for Industrial Cleaning Solvent Operations
- Section 105 – VOC Emissions Control for Metal Solvent Degreaser Operations
- Section 107 – VOC Emissions Control for Cutback Asphalt Manufacturing and Use
In addition, the following AQR was adopted by the Clark County Board of County Commissioners on 5/7/2024 and will become effective on 5/21/2024:
- Section 106 – VOC Emissions Control for Offset Lithographic, Letterpress, and Flexible Package Printing and Other Graphic Arts Operations
Do these regulations apply to me? What do I need to do?
The forms required for compliance with the new regulations are posted on DAQ’s website, along with documents developed to help you decide if the regulations will apply to you. All the following documents are available here (under Ozone Rules Forms AQRs 101-107).
- Fact Sheets and Flow Diagrams. To help you determine whether these new regulations apply to you and identify any action you need to take.
- Calculation Worksheet. To calculate your projected maximum emissions (PME) of volatile organic compounds (VOC) so you can determine what requirements apply to you.
- Registration Application. To be completed by all owners or operators subject to one or more of these regulations.
- Notification Form. To be completed by owners or operators claiming exemptions from provisions of the new regulations.
The final regulations are available on the department’s website at:
If you have questions about the new regulations or forms, please contact the DAQ Permitting section at (702) 455-5942 or or the Small Business Assistance Program at 702-455-1660 or
Background and Purpose
On January 5, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reclassified the Las Vegas Valley as a moderate nonattainment area for the 2015 ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard. These regulations, adopted to satisfy EPA planning requirements for moderate nonattainment areas, address the Reasonably Achievable Control Technology (RACT) requirements in EPA’s control technology guidelines (CTG) for reducing VOC emissions associated with the production of ground-level ozone (smog). They establish emissions standards, compliance obligations, work practices, emissions control systems, registration, notification, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements, and new permitting or registration requirements for applicable owners or operations (“sources”).