Member Newsletter: May 24, 2024
- First CoC Board Meeting Recap
- Funding Committee appointed
- Nominating and Membership Committee Application - now open!
- Save the Date: Full Membership Meeting June 20th at 6:00 p.m.
- New Member Orientation - more dates available
- Membership Application
- Shared Value: Focus on our Future
First CoC Board Meeting
The new CoC Board has officially begun their work as the team leading our community in building a collaborative and effective approach to addressing homelessness. At last night's meeting the board got acquainted, approved the candidates recommended for the Funding Committee, and addressed some early process-related questions about vetting proposals for the Ramada and the transfer of HIAC's shelter planning efforts to the new CoC structure. The board will meet again on June 12th and 13th for in-depth training open to the public and materials will be available seven (7) days in advance.
Click the button below to view meeting materials from the May 23rd meeting, including:
- Agenda
- Slides
- Approved Slate of Funding Committee Candidates
- Draft Minutes (will be approved at next board meeting)
- Attendance
Nominating and Membership Committee Application
The application for the Nominating and Membership committee is now open. Applications must be submitted by Friday, May 31st at 5:00 p.m. The Nominating and Membership Committee slate of candidates will go before the Board on June 12th for a vote. Early work of this committee will be to seat the remaining three standing committees of the CoC and initiate the second round of board applications to fill the remaining Board vacancies.
SAVE THE DATE: Membership Meeting
When: Thursday, June 20th 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Where: Harrah's Cherokee Center - Banquet Hall (87 Haywood Street)
More information coming soon!
New Members: Attend Orientation
All new CoC members are required to attend a one-hour orientation in order to be eligible to vote during meetings of the full membership. Orientations will be available on an ongoing basis and new dates will be announced as they become available. Below are the orientation dates for June:
Monday, June 10th at 6 p.m. (In-Person Only)
Wesley Grant Sr. Southside Community Center (285 Livingston Street)
Friday, June 21st at 1 p.m. (Virtual)
Stay up to date with the work of the CoC!
The CoC has an interim landing page that will act as a centralized point for all information about the CoC. Documentation of the work of the CoC is the responsibility of the Lead Agency and therefore the landing page currently resides under the umbrella of the City of Asheville's website; as the board begins its work, they may reshape the CoC's web presence.
On this page, you'll find an overview of the CoC, meeting materials, a historical timeline, and more helpful information for both the membership and the public. All updates from the Board and CoC membership will be listed on this page as the CoC transition from the City of Asheville's Homelessness Initiative Advisory Committee (HIAC) to the new structure continues.
Invite your networks to join the CoC
Do you know someone - either an individual and an organization - who has an interest in ending homelessness in our community? Invite them to become a member of the CoC! This body will only be as effective as those who are part of the membership, so we want and need all voices at the table.
Please email homelessstrategy@ashevillenc.gov if you need a paper copy of any of the above materials.
Focus on our Future
The CoC will not let the past determine the future. Rather, it commits to staying in the present and the future.