
Access to Care Survey
Deadline: Friday, March 3
We need your help! We are seeking your feedback on your ability to get health care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Complete the survey.

Spring Cleaning: Get Rid of Household Waste Properly
Dates and Time: Friday, March 3 and Saturday, March 4 from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: 1800 Wurzbach Pkwy. (Bitters Bulky Waste Collection Facility)
We are hosting a Household Hazardous Waste drop-off event! Paint, chemicals and household cleaners are accepted. Medicines are not accepted. Learn more today.

Want to lower your property tax bill?
Come to a workshop to learn about homestead exemptions and how to appeal to lower your property taxes! The workshops provide:
- Information on different exemptions
- Tips on how to prepare for an appeal before the May 15 deadline
- One-on-one help from legal experts
Spanish and American Sign Language interpreters will be at each session to translate. Learn what documents to bring with you, and plan to attend a workshop this month:
- Saturday, March 4: 10:00 AM (Palo Alto College, 1400 W. Villaret Blvd., 78224)
- Monday, March 6: 5:00 PM (McCreless Library, 1023 Ada St., 78223)
- Monday, March 20: 4:00 PM (San Antonio Food Bank, 5200 Historic Old Hwy. 90, 78227)
- Monday, March 27: 4:00 PM (Ron Darner Park Headquarters, 5800 Historic Old Hwy. 90 West, 78227)

See the Draft Floodplain Maps of Bexar County
The San Antonio River Authority is hosting events to share the draft floodplain maps with residents ahead of FEMA’s formal map adoption process.
Get answers to questions about flood insurance, floodplain regulations and flooding/drainage projects! You can also look up any Bexar County property on the draft map with a River Authority engineer. Learn more and make plans to attend!

Apply for an EcoScholars Grant
Deadline to Apply: Wednesday, March 15
The last day to submit your application for an EcoScholars grant from the City is coming up! Sign up and submit your project today.

Plant fruit trees with us!
Date: Wednesday, March 15 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Location: 11030 Ruidosa St., 78214 (Father Roman Community Center)
We are hosting a fruit tree planting event and invite you to take part! The community fruit tree orchard will be part of a new Resource Center in Villa Coronado. The center is scheduled to open Summer 2023. Learn more.

Application Open: Firefighter Trainee
Deadline to Apply: Sunday, March 19
We are now accepting application for our Firefighter Trainee position. If you want to be a San Antonio Firefighter, take the first step: submit your application to be a Firefighter Trainee. Learn more about the San Antonio Fire Department.

March for Justice at the 27th Annual Cesar E. Chavez March
Date and Time: Saturday, March 25 at 9:00 AM (March starts at 10:00 AM)
Location: the intersection of Guadalupe and Brazos near the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center
Cesar Chavez was a civil rights and farm labor leader. Read more about his legacy and the March.The March honors farm workers who feed the nation.
In that spirit, join us in helping feed those impacted by food insecurity. Bring canned goods to the March to donate to the San Antonio Food Bank. Drop off bins will be available at the beginning of the March route.

Teens Helping Teens to Improve Mental Health
We are launching our second annual survey on teen mental health! Your input will help youth leaders make suggestions to help improve teen mental health. All personal information will remain confidential. The survey is available March 2 through April 9.

Eat well, feel great!
March is National Nutrition Month. Follow these simple tips all year long for healthy eating:
- Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables at every meal and every day
- For portion control, use a smaller plate
- Drink water (not sugary drinks)
Learn more about programs and resources to help you eat healthy and live an active lifestyle.

Interested in education and job training?
A higher-paying career is now within your reach. San Antonio’s unprecedented Ready to Work program offers tuition assistance for education and job training.
Career coaches are with you from start to finish to:
- evaluate what you need now to get started
- guide you through career planning
- get you enrolled to begin your path to securing a quality, higher-paying job
No other program offers more support to ensure participants reach success. If you are ready for a change, take advantage of this opportunity now.
There are three easy ways to learn more and apply:
1. Visit us online
2. Call 3-1-1 and ask for Ready to Work
3. Visit in person at Alamo Colleges District, Project Quest, Restore Education or Workforce Solutions Alamo

Free Tax Help Available Now
Tax season is right around the corner! Get help preparing your tax return at no cost from the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program.
Last year, volunteers prepared more than 20,000 tax returns that brought in $38 million in tax refunds and $7 million in Earned Income Tax Credit to low-income families and individuals. Find a VITA location near you!

Check out our new, mobile-friendly website!
Our new website makes accessibility a priority. It meets web accessibility requirements under the American Disabilities Act. The site allows with vision, hearing, and physical disabilities to more easily access it. The work continues this year as information is moved to SA.gov.
Share your feedback about the website. Your feedback will help us continue to improve the website's usability.

Stay Connected: Register Your Group with the City
Did you know the City maintains a registry of associations and organizations in San Antonio? The registry helps people find and connect with their neighbors. Registered groups also receive City news and updates.