Ezell Park
Ezell Park
Ezell Park is a new 91-acre park located at the corner of Matthews-Mint Hill Road and Mintwood Drive in Mint Hill. Project design, engagement, and bidding has been completed and the park is currently under construction. The funded construction improvements will include:
- Full court basketball court
- 4 Pickleball courts
- Splash pad
- Restrooms
- Open play field
- Nature themed playground
- Community garden improvements
- Trails, muti-use paths
- Public art
- Parking
Learn more about existing Park and Recreation locations and amenities: https://gis.mecklenburgcountync.gov/MecklenburgCountyParkExplorer/
Below you will find project updates and timelines, meeting information, key contact information, and other important information about this park project. You may also give feedback and ask questions. We encourage you to provide your input and stay connected!
Project Schedule:
Construction Start: May 2024
Construction Completion: September 2025
Design Process Follow Up: Community Garden Placement
The Design team is refining the park master plan, they propose to move the garden to give more space for garden expansion as well as to keep the garden area separate from the park construction activities. If the garden remains in the same location, it has less room for expansion and will be impacted by park construction.
Question title
How often do you visit the existing community garden?
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If you could add one thing to the community garden, what would you add?
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Do you have ay additional comments concerning the community garden?
February 2021 Design Concepts:
February 18, 2021 Virtual Community Workshop:
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Indicate the 3 amenities you are most excited about.
October 15, 2020 Virtual Town Hall:
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Ezell Community Park will be a place to…
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The character and design of Ezell Community Park should focus primarily on
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In order of preference, please rank the following PASSIVE recreation activities you feel should be included in the future Ezell Community Park.
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In order of preference, please rank the following ACTIVE recreation activities you feel should be included in the future Ezell Community Park.
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In order of preference, please rank the following AGRARIAN & NATURE BASED recreation activities you feel should be included in the future Ezell Community Park.
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Do you have any comments or questions about the project?
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* Would you like to provide your contact information for future project updates?
Additional questions? Contact:
James Williams, Planner
James.Williams@MecklenburgCountyNC.gov or 704-534-8258