Below is the survey for the proposed LYNX Silver Line project. Review the information found on the "Project Overview" and "LYNX Silver Line Alignment Options" tabs before completing this survey. Please provide your comments by October 14, 2020.
LYNX Silver Line Project Preliminary Purpose and Need:
Previous planning analysis and discussions with stakeholders have helped to identify key transportation needs in the West and Southeast Corridors. These needs will be refined and detailed during planning and through environmental review, as analysis continues, and input is received from the public, stakeholders, and regulatory agencies. Initially, the key transportation concerns are:
- continued population and employment growth in the Charlotte region,
- a congested roadway network with increased travel times,
- reduced reliability of the transportation system,
- local goals to address equity concerns such as limited transportation options for transit-dependent populations, and
- inadequate connectivity between and access to transit, affordable housing, employment, and community services by environmental justice populations.
The preliminary purpose of the LYNX Silver Line project is to provide high-capacity transit service in dedicated right-of-way along the US 74 (Wilkinson Boulevard), Cedar Street / Graham Street, 11th Street, US 74 (Independence Boulevard), and Monroe Road transportation corridors that:
- Provides a competitive and reliable alternative to automobiles;
- Improves local connectivity between and access to transit, housing, employment, and community services in the corridor;
- Promotes opportunities for development consistent with local vision, goals, plans, and policies;
- Provides a transit system that is financially sustainable to build, operate, and maintain; and,
- Preserves and protects the natural and built environment.
CATS is using several methods to engage residents in the LYNX Silver Line project. Some of these methods include mailers, social media, e-blasts, online meetings, informational web sessions and videos, meetings with neighborhood and stakeholder groups, distributing materials to partners and community groups, announcements via local government channels, and notifications in print media.
Please note the following are optional. It is important to collect demographic data to ensure all stakeholder groups are represented in the planning process. The following questions will help CATS monitor and evaluate community engagement efforts.