Question title

* In what area of Asheville (or the region) do you live? By answering this question, it helps us make sure we are hearing from people across the City. We won't be able to identify your specific address.

You can enter the nearest cross streets in the boxes below; or, using the map, drag the blue point to Asheville and then zoom in and drag it to the approximate location where you live.

Question title

In what area of Asheville (or the region) do you work? If you are not working, you can skip this question.

You can enter the nearest cross streets in the boxes below; or, using the map, drag the blue point to Asheville and then zoom in and drag it to the approximate location where you live.

Question title

What is your favorite street to walk in Asheville?

Closed to responses

Question title

Thinking about your favorite street, please choose up to five (5) of the following design-related items that contribute to the quality of this walking street for you. (Select up to five options).

Direct and complete sidewalk route (e.g. sidewalks where I need them with no missing sections)
Wider sidewalks without obstacles (e.g. utility poles)
Sidewalks separated from traffic (e.g. a grass strip so I don't have to walk next to traffic)
Accessible features (e.g. well design curb ramps)
Quality of street crossings - location, visibility, medians for refuge
Marked crosswalks
Low traffic and/or low car speeds
Shade or trees
Lighting at night
Benches to rest
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

Choose the top five (5) factors that make walking along some Asheville streets difficult. (Select up to five options).

Sidewalks missing (or significant gaps) on high traffic streets
Sidewalks missing (or significant gaps) on low traffic neighborhood streets
Sidewalks missing to key destinations such as parks, schools, grocery stores
Narrow sidewalks on high traffic streets
Narrow sidewalks on low traffic neighborhood streets
Narrow sidewalks to key destinations such as parks, schools, grocery stores
Buckled or cracked sidewalks, or other obstacles like puddles after rain
Barriers or obstacles, like power poles, in the sidewalk
Poor lighting
Sidewalks without a buffer from driving lanes
Closed to responses

Question title

Select your top five (5) factors that make a street crossing difficult at locations with traffic lights. (Select up to five options).

Missing or hard to see pedestrian signals
Too long to wait for the pedestrian signal
Not enough time to cross the street (the pedestrian signal is not long enough)
Unsure of when it is safe to cross the street (I can't see the signal indications as a pedestrian)
Pedestrian signal does not have countdown information (I don't know how much time I have left to cross)
Missing or hard to reach pedestrian signal push buttons
Missing audible or tactile crossing signals to cross safely
Turning vehicles do not stop for me when I'm crossing
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

Select your top three (3) factors that make a street crossing difficult at locations without traffic lights. (Select up to three options).

I'm not sure where to cross (e.g. there are no marked crosswalks)
Marked crosswalks are too far apart (i.e. I have to walk too far to use a marked crossing).
Crossing locations feel unsafe (e.g. cars travel too fast or there are too many cars to find a break in traffic)
Drivers don't stop or yield for pedestrians
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

Using the map to draw a line or drop a point, identify some of the uncomfortable walking streets you use or see people using. We encourage you to use the map; however, if it does not work for you, provide your answer in the comment box below. An uncomfortable walking street is one where we would worry about letting young children (think about an 8 year old) or older adults (think about an 80 year old) walk without assistance.

To draw a line or add a point, zoom in to your area of interest. Then click the button on the top right, 'Draw Line' or 'Add Point.' Then click on the map to create a line segment or point. When you are done adding points or lines, a comment box will appear; you can add notes to this box or if you make any errors you can click the 'X' on the top right of the comment box to delete and start over.

Question title

As an alternative to mapping, indicate the street/route name and beginning/end points. Please be as specific as possible.

Closed for Comments

Question title

Select your top five (5) areas where the City should prioritize sidewalk connections, accessibility improvements or greenways. (Click your top selections and they will move above and turn blue. You can then drag the blue selections to order your priorities. Then click 'Confirm Priorities'.).

Closed to responses

Question title

If you were in charge of Asheville's pedestrian and greenway programs and budget, which of the following efforts would you prioritize to make walking and greenway use more convenient, safe, and well connected. (Select up to five options).

Add missing sidewalks
Add more marked crosswalks and/or more visible marked crosswalks
Add countdown timers at pedestrian signals
Improve curb ramps that are challenging to use
Add missing curb ramps
Address speeding traffic (e.g. traffic calming)
Connect sidewalks and greenways to transit
Connect the major greenways that can get us across the city (greenway network)
Add more neighborhood greenway connections
Add more natural surface (dirt trail) connections
Increase maintenance and repair of existing sidewalks
Add pedestrian features (benches, signs and maps highlighting pedestrian destinations)
Add new or improved street lights (for night time visibility)
Add street trees, plantings and landscaping
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

How should the City fund new or improve existing greenway or pedestrian connections? (Click your top selections and they will move above and turn blue. You can then drag the blue selections to order your priorities. Then click 'Confirm Priorities').

Closed to responses

Question title

How willing would you be to pay a small increase in property taxes to fund pedestrian and greenway projects in the City? (Click and use the slider to indicate your willingness).

As a way to fund pedestrian or greenway projects, many communities bring a property tax increase proposal to the voters for approval. The community decides what amount is needed (i.e. a "penny") and if approved, taxpayers would pay an additional penny, or one cent, on every dollar of property tax.

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Question title

How much of an increase in property tax would you support to fund pedestrian and greenway projects? (Click and use the slider to indicate your willingness).

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Question title

How do you use the City's greenways (or multi-use paths)? (Select up to five options).

Commute to work - by bike
Commute to work - walk / wheelchair
Take my kid(s) to school
Exercise, fitness and health
Walk my pet
Place to play with my kids or family
Socialization with friends
Access daily needs (shopping, groceries, restaurants, doctor, etc.)
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

How often do you use Asheville's greenways?

4-6 times per week
2-3 times per week
1 time per week
2-3 times per month
1 time per month
A few times per year
I am not a regular greenway user
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

As a greenway user, these improvements would enhance my experience. (Select up to five options).

More trash cans along greenways
More dog waste stations
Better crossings at roadways
Better lighting
Repair of cracks, roots, trip hazards
Correct drainage (puddles or muddy spots)
Places to rest or sit
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

What would increase your use of greenways as a transportation network through all parts of the day and seasons of the year? (Select up to five options).

Lighting along the greenway
Bike share on or near the greenway
More "eyes" on the greenway (more people on the greenway, proximity to active places such as dense residential area or commercial areas)
More safe crossing roads crossing
More frequent access points to the greenway
More parking at trailheads
Park and ride lots
Better connectivity (greenways going to the places I need to get to)
More trees for shade
Other (please specify)
Closed to responses

Question title

How likely are you to use the following greenway or greenway connector types for recreation and transportation needs? (Click and use the slider to indicate your willingness).

Traditional Asphalt or Concrete Greenway

Several people walking and running on a traditional asphalt or concrete greenway
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Traditional Greenway with Natural Surface Shoulder

Photo of a child riding a bicycle and a runner both using a traditional greenway with a natural surface shoulder
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Sidewalks with Bike Lane

People walking down a sidewalk with a bike lane adjacent with a person riding a bike on a 2-lane street
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Sidewalk with Buffered Bike Lane

Photo of adults and children riding bicycles in a buffered bike lane on a street with a median
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Sidewalks with Bicycle Boulevard (Signs, Markings and Traffic Calming)

Street crossing with a bicycle boulevard (signs markings and traffic calming) with people riding bikes and walking
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Shared Streets

Photo of a shared street with people walking and biking
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Designated Roadway Shoulders

A person running in a roadway shoulder with street markings indicating a bike lane and walking path
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Combination Sidewalks with Cycletrack or Protected Bike Lane (Separated from the roadway with curbing or other vertical element)

A downtown street with a sidewalk line of street trees protected bike lane and line of cars
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Multi-use sidepath (shared bicycle and pedestrian facility adjacent to a roadway)

In the foreground one person walking and one person riding a bike on a multi-use sidepath with a turning vehicle at the upcoming intersection
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Question title

The City is considering partnering in a community-supported initiative to develop and maintain a natural surface trail system, called Asheville Unpaved. How likely are you to use this natural trail system?

Natural surface trails are unpaved, dirt trails that would connect with greenways and sidewalks to help build a network to allow people to get places.

Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not very likely
I will not use
Closed to responses

Question title

If you would use the trail system, what kind of user would you most likely be? (Click your top selections and they will move above and turn blue. You can then drag the blue selections to order your priorities. Then click 'Confirm Priorities').

Closed to responses

Question title

The idea of Asheville Unpaved will need community support, including donations, volunteers for maintenance, and partnerships and sponsorships with organizations. Are you a part of an organization that would be interested in supporting this initiative? Please list your contact information and how you might be able to help.

Closed to responses

Question title

What gender do you identify as? (Select all that apply).

Prefer not to say
Non-binary/third gender
Prefer to self-describe
Closed to responses | 854 Responses

Question title

What is your age?

Over 75
Prefer not to answer
Under 18
Closed to responses | 944 Responses

Question title

What is your race? (Select all that apply).

Prefer not to answer
Some other race or origin
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Prefer to self-describe
Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Closed to responses | 884 Responses

Question title

Are you of Hispanic, Latino/a/x, or of Spanish origin? (Select all that apply).

No, not of Hispanic, Latino/a/x, or Spanish origin
Prefer not to answer
Some other race, ethnicity, or origin
Yes, Another Hispanic, Latino/a/x or Spanish origin
Yes, Cuban
Prefer to self-describe
Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano/a/x
Yes, Puerto Rican
Closed to responses | 771 Responses

Question title

Please share your contact information. Survey participants who provide their name and email will be entered in a drawing to receive a $25 Ingles Gift Card, awarded after the survey has closed.

Interested in More Information?

To learn more about Close the GAP and Asheville's sidewalks, streets, greenways and more, check out this StoryMap.

Screenshot of the Close the GAP StoryMap landing page

To learn more about Asheville Unpaved, Asheville's Natural Surface Trail Initiative, check out this StoryMap.

Image of the landing page for the Asheville Unpaved StoryMap