Biltmore Ave and McDowell St Corridor Survey
Biltmore Ave and McDowell St Corridor Survey
Study Background
The Biltmore Avenue and McDowell Street corridors connect downtown Asheville and Biltmore Village-two very walkable areas with a variety of land uses and destinations. Both roadways are maintained by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). The City of Asheville is working with the NCDOT, a consulting team and other agencies to review a range of potential transportation improvements along Biltmore Avenue and McDowell Street.
This study will consider a range of solutions and make recommendations for improvements to accommodate all transportation users including motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders. The study is expected to conclude in the summer of 2021.
As part of public and stakeholder outreach for the study, the study team is conducting a public input survey. Please help answer a few questions to inform the study.