About Raleigh Public Art

Mission: To create and integrate diverse artworks into Raleigh's landscape in order to establish a vibrant visual environment that provides public places with civic distinction, as well as fostering meaningful connections between people and place.

History: In 2009, the City of Raleigh adopted ordinances creating the Percent Art Program. The program allocates 1% of funds from capital construction projects for public art. Public art associated with City of Raleigh construction projects is managed by the Raleigh Arts Office. More information about Raleigh Arts can be found at https://raleighnc.gov/raleigh-arts  

The Atlantic Avenue Public Art Project is funded by the 2017 Transportation Bond. Capital Improvement Projects that meet the Percent for Art Ordinance standards, such as this one, are eligible to use 1% of construction funding for Public Art. Inclusion of aesthetics and artwork is an investment in our communities, with a focus toward community identity and equity in quality of life. Communities gain cultural, social, and economic value through public art.


Artist David Wilson will be creating artwork along Atlantic Ave. You can find out more about David and his work here

Question title

Where would you be interested in seeing artwork along the road? Select all that apply.

Bus Stops
Alongside the roadway
Near Crosswalks
Entrance to the neighborhoods
I prefer no investment in my neighborhood. Please use this public art allocation in another community.
Closed to responses | 31 Responses

Question title

The project is located between Highwoods Boulevard and New Hope Church Road. The proposed improvements will improve safety and mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. Atlantic Avenue is currently four lanes from Highwoods Boulevard to New Hope Church Road with a posted speed of 35 miles per hour (mph). Commercial land use occurs mainly along the west side of the roadway while the east side is primarily residential. Proposed improvements include a median, sidewalks along the east side of the street, a multi-use path along the west side, street lights, and landscaping.

On the map below, mark up to three locations you feel would be good spots for public art.

You can click to add a point and include a comment. You can also click beginning and end points to add a line and include a comment. Please feel free to share your thoughts on others’ points, lines and comments as well. Click on the gear icon to the left of the map to switch between map and satellite views.

Question title

How do you plan to travel on Atlantic Ave once the multi-use path and sidewalks are added? Select all that apply.

Bus / Public Transit
Closed to responses | 23 Responses

Question title

What do you most associate with living near or visiting the Atlantic Ave area?

Closed to responses

Question title

Where do you spend the most time on Atlantic Avenue? Select all that apply.

Shopping Center
Place of Employment
Closed to responses | 14 Responses

Question title

Public artists work in many ways, with a wide range of approaches and artistic media. To inform how an artist might approach creating artwork for these streetscapes, what do you think would be helpful to know about life and culture in the Atlantic Avenue area? Please share any additional information you think the artists may want to know about this part of town.

Closed for Comments

Question title

What themes do you associate with the Atlantic Avenue area? Select all that apply.

Proximity to Downtown
Diversity and Inclusion
Industry and Science
Arts and Culture
Health and Wellbeing
Closed to responses | 13 Responses

Question title

What adjectives or words come to mind when you think of this neighborhood? Examples: trees, wellness, art, community, etc

Closed for Comments

Question title

You are our neighbor and a stakeholder in this project! If you would like us to reach out to you about future meetings and for additional feedback, you can type your email or phone number below:

Question title

What is your zipcode?

Closed to responses

Thank you for your input!

Your comments are important and will help the public artists understand what residents value and want to see along Atlantic Avenue.


If you have questions about the project, or would like a project team member to meet with you or a group you represent, please contact Public Art Director Kelly McChesney at (919) 996-5657 or Kelly.McChesney@Raleighnc.gov

Visit the project websites at https://raleighnc.gov/SupportPages/public-art-active-projects for more information.