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1. Tell us how you value the historic neighborhoods, buildings, and aesthetics of streets outside of the Historic Area?

c. Older neighborhoods, buildings, and features add character to the city even outside of the Historic Area. Their architecture needs protection, but restoration costs must be considered.
b. The historic neighborhoods, buildings and features are important, but a new building is better than one that is neglected.
d. All historic neighborhoods, buildings, and their property add character to the city with few exceptions.
e. The city's historic character is the most important factor in all areas of the city without exception.
a. The historic neighborhoods, buildings, and features outside of the Historic Area do not add value to the city outside of the Historic Area.
Closed to responses | 459 Responses

Question title

2. How important is the Architectural Review Board (ARB) in shaping the City's character?

c. The ARB is critical to keeping the City beautiful but could be modernized to add flexibility.
a. I do not know what the ARB is or what it does.
b. The ARB is outdated and needs to be completely restructured.
d. The ARB should not change and is vital to the continued character the way it is now.
Closed to responses | 447 Responses

Question title

3. Which one of these actions could the City take that would most impact the compatibility of rental and owner-occupied housing in traditional neighborhoods?

c. Institute a mandatory rental licensing program requiring registration and application for a home to be offered as a non-owner-occupied rental with a point system for the license to be revoked for violation of rules.
a. Offering an voluntary certified rental program in which the City would "certify" rental properties if they and lease meet certain specific requirements to qualify.
b. A City purchasing program to buy real estate and deed restrict it to prevent rental and provide affordable housing opportunities.
d. Other
Closed to responses | 402 Responses

Question title

4. Would you rather have broadband provided as a public utility or service if it were reliable and equal to or greater in speed than the private providers?

a. Yes, even if it requires a tax increase
b. Yes, but not if it requires a tax increase
d. Maybe
c. No
Closed to responses | 432 Responses

Question title

5. What should be the highest priority bike path project for the City to undertake next?

c. Jamestown Road
a. South England Street connecting to Carter's Grove Road as an extension of the Capital Trail
b. Strawberry Plains/John Tyler connector
d. None
e. Other
Closed to responses | 420 Responses

Question title

6. Housing in the City is available and affordable to me?

Closed to responses | 445 Responses

Question title

7. The City could make housing more affordable by: (pick one)

c. Requiring a percentage of new housing units in a proposed development to be affordable/workforce (income-restricted).
a. Establishing a tax credit process for income qualified buyers for a period of years
b. Providing more zoning flexibility to generate income for owner-occupied houses
Closed to responses | 426 Responses

Question title

8. The City should consider adding this new program or facility as part of the Parks and Recreation system:

Closed for Comments

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9. I get most of my information about the City by: (rank most to least)

Closed to responses | 351 Responses

10.  Over the next two years the City should focus on the following three topics and actions:

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Topic One

Click here to type your pick for Topic One.
Closed to responses | 230 Responses

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Topic Two

Click here to type your choice for Topic Two
Closed to responses | 178 Responses

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Topic Three

Click here to type your choice for Topic Three
Closed to responses | 140 Responses