Gvl2040 Public Survey: June 2019
Gvl2040 Public Survey: June 2019
The City of Greenville is embarking on a comprehensive planning process called GVL2040. The City’s last comprehensive plan was adopted in 2009 after a two-year planning process called Plan-it Greenville and has served as a guide for future land use, community facilities, connectivity, open space and recreation areas, cultural and natural resources and economic development for the City’s last 10 budget cycles.
Now, GVL2040 is an opportunity for our community to decide on its future direction. Should we stay the course and keep doing what we’ve been doing, or should we change direction in small or significant ways? The survey below is designed to help you determine how you feel about Greenville today and what changes you think need to be made, if any, over the next 10 years.